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Fisheries and marketing in the Yemen Arab Republic


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    Yemen Arab Republic Pt. 1
    A survey system for quick estimates of some sectors of the fishing industry
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    The FAO/CP World Bank Cooperative Programme conducted fishery missions in the Yemen Arab Republic leading to the preparation of a fishery development project. Their work has been based on the findings of FAO Trust Fund Projects. It was decided to carry out an intensive survey programme (June/July 1979 ) aiming to provide quick estimates of the required information, through the application of 3 surveys , in a period of 5 weeks. In addition to that, an Aerial Frame Survey had to be conducted in Se ptember 1979. In order to give more complete information, 2 more surveys were undertaken in addition to the proposed ones. In a period of 16 days, the 5 surveys carried out simultaneously, covered 6 landing places from Luhaya to Hodeidah in addition to marketing statistical studies at 4 inland fish markets. Although Jizan was not originally scheduled to be included, the report is supplemented by the study “An approach for estimating the number of Yemeni fishing units and their catches at Jizan” . It is worth noting that the Aerial Frame Survey was postponed indefinitely. The results have provided solutions to a number of problems which were encountered in previous visits. Nevertheless, the findings brought to light a number of problems that require further examination at Jizan (Saudi Arabia).
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    The spiny lobster fishery of the Yemen Arab Republic 1982
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    This report is the outcome of a two-month mission to the Yemen Arab Republic in April-June 1982. It gives background information regarding previous spiny lobster surveys and describes exploratory fishing undertaken by diving and through the use of tangle nets. The marketing situation in the country is discussed and recommendations are given for handling and processing lobster. Some basic recommendations are suggested for regulating the fishery. It is concluded that the-two species of spiny lobst er found in the coastal waters are not present in sufficient numbers to encourage large scale commercial exploitation. It is recommended that future exploitation should be encouraged as an artisanal fishery through free diving and that further exploratory fishing should be undertaken using tangle nets. The marketing system should be improved and further information should be collected on present catches, including those taken by foreign vessels.
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    Report of the joint mission to plan development of the Sardinella fisheries in the Bali Strait 1977
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    This report has been prepared by an FAO/IOP Mission to East Java, Indonesia, as a result of its investigation of the development prospects of the fisheries for Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) in the Bali Strait. The technical details of the present fishery are dealt with, including the economics of the various operations, landing facilities and marketing and processing arrangements. The fishery has expanded considerably in recent years through the introduction of a large number of purs e seiners, a development which, given the limited nature of resources, now threaten the traditional fisheries which provide a living for a large number of fishermen. The Mission recommends that no more purse seiners be brought in until investigation of the resource shows whether or not it can sustain heavier fishing. Detailed proposals for the technical improvement of the existing craft and gear are presented and recommendations made with respect to the development of the infrastructure and the improvement of marketing operations. Credit facilities and institutional changes needed to facilitate these improvements are recommended.

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