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Manual on sample-based data collection for fisheries assessment. Examples from Viet Nam.

Sparre, P.J. Manual on sample-based data collection for fisheries assessment. Examples from Viet Nam. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 398. Rome, FAO. 2000. 171p.

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    Book (series)
    Better data collection in shark fisheries – Learning from practice 2021
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    Some species and stocks of sharks, rays, skates, and chimaeras (termed shark in this review) are rapidly depleting due to climate change, land-based influences, and overfishing. These pressures, coupled with sharks’ low reproductive potential (slow growth and delayed maturation; long reproductive cycles; low fecundity; and long lifespans) place sharks in a risk profile that is more akin to mammals on land than fish in the ocean. The development of policy, and the delivery of management and conservation measures regulating the use, international trade, and capture of sharks (whether as a targeted species or as bycatch in fisheries), is hindered by gaps in basic knowledge – a knowledge that is required in order to get a clear sense of their status in real-time. Many countries are establishing or strengthening monitoring across shark value chains to overcome these shortfalls in information. This document reviews what shark fisheries data is being collected, highlighting the opportunities and constraints in collecting information on sharks in fisheries, based on practical experience. It includes information from 28 surveys across 19 countries: 9 in the Mediterranean, 5 in Africa, 3 in Asia, and 1 in Oceania. Interviews were conducted with data collectors and managers across the entirety of the survey process, while data collection variables were documented in order to inform those interested in the collection, provision, and exchange of shark information on common practices and their commonalities. The review identifies standardized information metrics which, if collected more generally, would strengthen the opportunity for harmonized reporting and cross-comparability across surveys. In addition – and in order to assess the status quo – the current data collection requirements of management measures applied to sharks by regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) were reviewed, including “no retention” measures. Finally, the review proposes a list of the minimum standard measurements and common life-history parameters required to support the assessment of shark stocks in fisheries.
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    Book (series)
    Data preparation to inform assessment and management approaches in data-limited fisheries
    A practical manual
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    In fisheries science and management, it is not uncommon that fishery data are used at “face value”, as inputs into data-limited assessments or empirical indicator-based frameworks for management, without first conducting a thorough exploration and critical review of the data. This practice may lead to biases in results and misdirected fishery management actions. To address intermediate steps between data collection and any analysis used to inform stock status, this manual provides guidance on how to prepare, explore and critically review fishery data in data-limited situations. Throughout the manual, guidance and sample data are provided primarily in Microsoft Excel or in comma separated value (CSV) file formats, as well as through FishualizeR, a publicly available, web-based, R Shiny app that was developed to support the manual. Instructions in this manual are not intended to present a single, prescriptive path, but rather to provide guidance that may be further tailored to each individual context. It is the authors’ hope and intent that the guidance contained in this manual will allow users to better understand their data, make corrections, and gain a deeper understanding of the data’s utility in assessment and management of data-limited fisheries.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the Workshop on Data and Knowledge in Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas. Rome, 5–7 November 2007. 2008
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    This document contains the report of the Workshop on Data and Knowledge in Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas held in Rome from 5 to 7 November 2007. The Workshop was convened to review an initial draft of the International Guidelines as called for by the FAO Committee on Fisheries at its twenty-seventh session in 2007. This expert consultation was preceded by the Expert Consultation on Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas, held in Bangkok, in November 2006. The consultation adopted a draft of the international guidelines to be forwarded on to a technical consultation for review and adoption.

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