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Report of the Fifth External Program and Management Review of the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

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    Report of the Fifth External Program and Management Review (EPMR) of the Africa Rice Center (WARDA) 2008
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    The Report of the 5th EPMR of WARDA was discussed at the Eighth Meeting of the Science Council (SC), at Bioversity Internationals HQ in Maccarese, Italy. The rising importance of rice in SSA is the rationale given by WARDA for its planned expansion into East and Central Africa, which initially contemplates increasing member states from 17 to 21. The Panel notes that WARDA has conducted very relevant work, focusing both on genetic and non-genetic solutions to rice production systems in Africa . The SC welcomes the recent alignment with IRRI and CIAT on rice, and encourages WARDA to adopt a strategic view towards its own research on rice for African environments, taking advantage of the specific opportunities identified in the Panels report. There should be constant efforts to assess and enhance all aspects of science, and not to overstretch critical mass by too rapid an expansion to East and Southern Africa.
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    Report of the Sixth External Program and Management Review (EPMR) of the International Potato Center (CIP) - CGIAR 2008
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    During the last five years CIP has undergone a series of important changes that have affected significantly the life of the Centre. Soon after the 2002 EPMR, the Centre committed itself to produce the necessary changes to adapt to “corresponding changes” in its external environment. The high positive correlation between potato/sweet potato production areas and poverty assures CIP that by concentrating its research work on these two commodities, significant economic, employment, health and other beneficial impacts on the poor can be realized. Indeed, a recent exante impact assessment study conducted by CIP shows that the Center’s research agenda offers significant opportunities to contribute to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) over the coming decades. It has been quite evident to the Panel that CIP has a clear and relevant future down the road.
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