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Report of the Fifth Steering Committee Meeting - Mangochi, Malawi, 11-14 February, 1992

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    Notes for a Technical Seminar on Aquaculture and Economic Growth, held during ALCOM's fifth Steering Committee Meeting, 11-14 February 1992, Mangochi, Malawi 1992
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    The seminar was divided into four parts. The first examined the economic behaviour of the typical small-scale farmer. He grows four or five agricultural crops with the land, water, manure, farm tools and household labour he has available. Fish farming is a secondary activity. Whether he takes up fish farming and to what extent depends on how beneficial it is likely to be. If he opts for fish farming, he foregoes some other option. He has to weigh the likely costs and benefits of such a choice -- in particular, the costs of the various inputs for each option, and the prices he can charge for the outputs. On the basis of this assessment, he may opt for a combination of fish farming and one or more agricultural crops, or he may not take up fish farming at all. Extension advice to the small-scale farmer has to be based on economic realities. It may be inappropriate to urge an increase in fish pond production if this means the farmer must divert to fish ponds fertilizer that can be more p roductively deployed in agriculture. If fish ponds in an area lie abandoned, it may be because they have outlived their economic utility; extension work should focus then on improving the output per man hour of any pond that is still in use. The seminar's second part discussed the goals of fish farming, from the standpoint of the government as well as the fish farmer. The point was made that the goals of government economic policies coincide with those of farmers who culture fish. The governme nt wants to promote national income by increasing the production of goods and services in the country -- including fish. The farmer, according to the surveys conducted in Zambia, engages in fish farming to increase his consumption, either by eating more fish or by selling fish and buying something he needs.
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    Report of the second Steering Committee Meeting to Prepare for the third Intergovernmental Meeting on the Establishment of the Central Asian and Caucasus Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission. Istanbul, Turkey, 24–25 February 2010. / ???????? ??????? ????????? ???????????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ???????? ????????????????????? ????????? ?? ?????????? ???????? ?? ??????? ????????? ? ???????????? ? ??????????? ???? ? ?? ???????, ???????, ??????, 24–25 ??????? 2010 ?. 2010
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    The Second Steering Committee Meeting to prepare for the Third Intergovernmental meeting on the Establishment of the Central Asian and Caucasus Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission (, Istanbul, Turkey, 24 - 25 February 2010) was organized as a follow-up to the approval of the Agreement on Central Asia and Caucasus Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission through Resolution No 1/137, by the FAO Council at its Hundred and Thirty Seventh Session on 1 October 2009. The Meeting was attended by the off icial focal points from eleven countries (Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan) and observers from the Scientific Information Center of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission (SIC - ICWC), the Network of Aquaculture Centers in Eastern Europe (NACEE) and the Caspian Environment Programme. The meeting discussed, amended and approved through consensus the draft “Rules of Procedure for the Central Asian and Caucasus Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission”, for endorsement by the next Inter-Governmental Meeting on the Establishment of the Central Asian and Caucasus Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission. The meeting also discussed various possible methodologies to calculate the contributions to the autonomous budget for the start-up phase of the Commission, discussed the communication between the FAO Secretariat and the Focal Points to the Steering Committee and revis ed its own Terms of Reference for endorsement by the next Inter-Governmental Meeting.
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