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Report on the Seminar on Fish Production in Lowlands Reservoirs, Lesotho - Maseru Sun Cabanas, Maseru, 13-14 Juen 1994

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    Strategies for fish production in lowlands reservoirs, Lesotho 1995
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    Recent studies have found that, while Basotho -- the people of Lesotho -- eat fish if it is available, they lack knowledge about local fishery resources and fishing methods. As a result, the fishery resources of Lesotho's lowland reservoirs are virtually unexploited. To remedy this situation, the Fisheries Section has formulated fish production strategies for local community groups and entrepreneurs on lowland reservoirs. ALCOM has assisted in this effort in the context of its small water body f isheries programme. This report describes and discusses the project's work. An inventory of reservoirs classified by size class was carried out in seven lowland districts; stock assessment and catch monitoring methods were demonstrated in 15 selected reservoirs; a socio-economic profile was conducted of communities living around selected reservoirs; recommendations were made to enhance fish production and improve fishing gear, strategies were suggested for fisheries development and management. The next step in lowland reservoir fisheries development is to raise local awareness of lowland reservoir fish production potential and to implement fish production strategies on selected reservoirs.
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    Predicting ecology and fish yields in African reservoirs from preimpoundment physico-chemical data / Ecologie des réservoirs africains et leur rendement en poisson à partir de données psycho-chimiches réunies avant endiguement 1984
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    This paper attempts to improve the predictive capabilities of preimpoundment studies, with special emphasis on fish yields. It relies heavily on empirical models based on a relatively limited data base. It is hoped that the results will show that meaningful predictions can be made from simple, easily obtained data, a consideration especially important in an era of limited manpower and financial resources. The models described in this paper have not always been based on African data. Those that have been will be affected by the general inaccuracy of the original information, especially that regarding fish yields from African reservoirs. Nevertheless, if these limitations are borne in mind, the models may still be valuable and will have served their purpose if they stimulate others to use and improve them. An appendix has been included to illustrate the use of the models described in the text in an actual preimpoundment situation.

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