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Reference Manual, Chapter 2 – AquaCrop, Version 7.0 - August 2022

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    Reference manual. AquaCrop Plug-in program (Version 7.0). August 2022 2017
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    The calculation procedures in the AquaCrop plug-in program are identical to the AquaCrop standard window program (Version 6.0) but the plug-in program has no user interface. By running the program a list of projects, pre-defined in the standard window version of AquaCrop, are carried out and results are stored in output files. The plug-in program can be used in applications where iterative runs are required (e.g. GIS environment).
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    Reference Manual, Chapter 3 – AquaCrop, Version 7.0 – August 2022 2016
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    AquaCrop is a general model, in that it is meant for a wide range of herbaceous crops, including forage, vegetable, grain, fruit, oil, and root and tuber crops. Chapter 3 presents the software of AquaCrop for which: the concepts and underlying principles are described by Steduto et al. (2009); the structure and algorithm are found in Raes et al. (2009), and the parameterization for maize (the crop on which the efforts of parameterization were focused during the early phase of model development) are reported by Hsiao et al. (2009). Examples of crop development and production for specific climate and growing conditions estimated by AquaCrop are given in a lot of papers published in peer reviewed journals. A digital library of references to all AquaCrop publications can be found on:
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    Reference Manual, Annexes – AquaCrop, Version 7.0 – August 2022 2016
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    The recommended values provided for the crop parameters in the tables below represent estimates obtained in calibration/validation exercises of AquaCrop with experimental data. How good these estimates are depends on how extensive and thorough were the calibration and validation, and varies with the crop species listed. The experimental data used for a crop might have been taken in one to many locations, with or without water and temperature as limiting factors, and representing a few to many ye ars of experiments. The notes and symbols before each table provide indications of the thoroughness of the calibration/validation process with respect to optimal and water stress conditions, as well as with respect to the coverage of major production areas of that crop around the world. Note that if a crop is important in many geographical areas, even if testing with data from four or five diverse locations would not be considered thorough, whereas testing with data from three locations for a cr op limited to one geographical area may be considered as adequate.

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