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COVID-19 and the role of local food production in building more resilient local food systems

​FAO. 2020. COVID-19 and the role of local food production in building more resilient local food systems. Rome.

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    Covid-19 et le rôle des productions alimentaires locales dans la construction de systèmes alimentaires locaux plus résilients 2020
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    La pandémie de covid-19 a fragilisé les systèmes alimentaires locaux tout au long de la chaîne de valeur agroalimentaire. Les villes et les collectivités territoriales jouent actuellement un rôle majeur dans la limitation de la propagation du coronavirus à l'origine de la covid-19 et dans l'atténuation des perturbations de leurs systèmes alimentaires locaux. Pour mieux comprendre la situation, à l’appui de différentes sources, la FAO a étudié les systèmes alimentaires locaux et les pratiques en vigueur pendant la pandémie de covid-19, en recueillant des informations et des points de vue de différentes villes sur les principaux défis et les réponses spécifiques données. Les observations, les données et les cas présentés dans ce document mettent en évidence le rôle de la production alimentaire locale et des chaînes de valeur dans l'amélioration de la résilience des systèmes alimentaires locaux face à covid-19.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Cities and local governments at the forefront in building inclusive and resilient food systems
    Key results from the FAO Survey “Urban Food Systems and COVID-19", Revised version
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    The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting urban food systems worldwide, affecting the food security and nutrition of urban populations. With up to 70% of the global food supply destined for urban consumption, the disruption of urban food systems has particularly affected the food distribution and the food retail sectors. The management of the crisis by city and local governments can therefore play a major role in preventing the spread of the virus and, at the same time, in mitigating the disruptions in their food systems and any negative effects on vulnerable populations. It was consequently deemed very important for FAO to map the municipal responses to the emergency, and to analyze progress and setbacks in managing disruptions in the urban food systems and related implications for food security and nutrition. Such understanding will strengthen the evidence-base on which countries will build policies and programmes dealing with the crisis and its effects. It will also provide valuable information on how to strengthen the performance and resilience of urban food systems. In an effort to better understand how city and local governments faced the challenges of food systems disruptions associated with COVID-19, information was collected through a survey of relevant stakeholders. The survey questionnaire was administered between April and May 2020 . 860 urban actors returned the completed questionnaire, 56% of which were members of local governments while the rest of the respondents were members of academic institutions, non-governmental organizations and national governments.
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    The COVID-19 pandemic poses a serious threat to food security and nutrition. Economic turmoil caused by the pandemic threatens both economic and physical access to food (FAO, 2019). Declining incomes may make food, particularly nutritious food, less affordable for some, especially the poor. Disruptions to and possible breakdowns of marketing, logistics and trading systems could make food unavailable in some locations at some times. Hunger and malnutrition could rise. This brief will assess the current situation, provide some examples of how governments and other stakeholders are attempting to build more resilient food systems in response, and offer some broad policy recommendations.

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