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2021 (Interim) Global update report: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the Nationally Determined Contributions

Crumpler, K., Abi Khalil, R., Tanganelli, E., Rai, N., Roffredi, L., Meybeck, A., Umulisa, V., Wolf, J. and Bernoux, M. 2021. 2021 (Interim) Global update report – Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the Nationally Determined ContributionsEnvironment and Natural Resources Management Working Paper No. 91. Rome, FAO. 

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    Regional analysis of the nationally determined contributions in Asia
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    The regional analysis provided in this report reflects the dynamism and diversity existing within Asia. Asia is experiencing dramatic demographic changes, high population growth, urbanization and growing economic inequities. The food system in the region varies significantly between and within its many sub-regions in terms of climate, landscapes, ecosystems and farming systems. All of these factors provide the context for climate action at the national level and have shaped to some extent how agriculture is reflected in countries respective National Determined Contributions. This report provides a unique, sector-specific synthesis of the NDCs from Asia. It summarizes the substantial contributions already put forward by countries, opportunities for further action and the gaps, barriers and needs that will need to be addressed if the agriculture sector in Asia is to raise mitigation and adaptation ambitions. The findings of this report will help member countries to reflect on their progress in advancing toward NDC priorities for agriculture and associated national climate goals including related targets under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The analysis also helps to make clear the links between the NDCs from the region and the ongoing work of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in support of the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA).
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    Assessing the role of agriculture and land use in Nationally Determined Contributions
    A methodology
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    This paper presents a common framework for synthesizing and analyzing the role of agriculture and land use in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to facilitate a better understanding of country priorities, challenges and support needs. The methodology developed is directed at policy makers, sectoral experts and technical practitioners in the field of agriculture, climate change and food security with the overall aim of supporting national governments to strengthen their adaptation and mitigation policies in the agriculture and land use sectors. The framework enables a country-level analysis of the extent to which existing adaptation and mitigation policies respond to major emission sources, and climate-related hazards, risks and vulnerabilities undermining country capacity to adapt and build resilient livelihoods. As such, the framework can support the 2020 NDC revision process and future revision cycles. It can also serve as a basis for collective action in the agriculture and land use sectors, evidencing opportunities for directing programmatic support and investment.
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    A common framework for agriculture and land use in the nationally determined contributions 2020
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    This paper presents a sector-specific framework for better understanding the role of the AFOLU sector in the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) at the country and aggregate level. It is designed to facilitate the stocktaking and analysis of national climate change mitigation and adaptation priorities, barriers to implementation and support needs specific to the AFOLU sector in order to inform country programming and guide the flow of external support. It can also be used at the country-level to facilitate NDC enhancement and encourage compliance with the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement. As such, it is directed at national policy makers sitting in ministries of environment, agriculture, finance and social planning, as well as at international and non-governmental organizations, development agencies and banks and finance institutions. To date, the framework has been adopted by FAO to conduct a series of regional-level analysis of the role of the AFOLU sector in the NDCs.

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