Supporting document: corrigenda and addenda since 2022

Last updated date 31/05/2024

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    Book (series)
    Legislative Drafting Guide: A Practitioner’s View
    A Resource for People Working on International Technical Assistance Projects
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    This is a style guide for legislative drafting in international legal assistance projects. It will serve as an introduction for those who do not usually draft legislation and checklist and review for experienced drafters. This guide is mostly about form, fit, and style, and of those, mostly about style. Policy, process, and politics vary widely depending on local context. Form and fit are less variable. Style is the most nearly universal and so easiest to discuss in a general guide. After offeri ng guidance on form, fit and style, this guide offers a few suggestions on matters of good professional practice. Some of these suggestions concern the overall approach to drafting and some concern the most basic matters of producing a clean and error-free text. The author’s study and practice has been in English in common law systems. This guide may be most helpful in similar circumstances, but many points have universal application.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) process in the Central and West Africa: from theory to practice 2014
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    This study was carried out by the FAO FLEGT Programme. The report was written by Marc Vandenhaute, Sophie Lemaître and Robert Simpson with the support of experts Caroline Duhesme, Anna Halton, Emmanuel Heuse, Yann Petrucci and Ruth Raymond. The authors are grateful to Véronique Ferrier for editing the original language text, Leslie Wearne Duncan for English language translation and Gabriele Marcelli for layout and design. Special thanks go to the stakeholders in the VPA countries of West and Central Africa and to the European Commission, whose contributions were crucial in carrying out the study. Lastly, the authors would like to thank the panel of experts who reviewed the study, particularly EFI’s EU FLEGT Facility, FERN, IDL and CIFOR, for their willingness and their technical input.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    FRA 2000 web page editorial guidelines 2000
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    The following guidelines are based on a revision of the web pages published under FRA responsibility. Their purpose is to provide current and future contributors with basic content and style directions. The guidelines draw on web page writing rules. Besides, they integrate relevant FAO editorial guidelines and specific forestry related recommendations for the sake of technical accuracy and objective description. Finally, they take into account the need to harmonise the national and international descriptions, names and definitions of the world forest resources. The development of these guidelines involved the inputs and ideas of the multidisciplinary team working for the Forest Resources Assessment Programme. The approach adopted addresses each FRA web page separately and spells out specific editorial recommendations for each of them. These recommendations are divided into two groups: Content and style.

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