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Guidebook for evaluating fisheries co-management effectiveness

Pomeroy, R.S., Oh, K., Martone, E., Westlund, L., Josupeit, H. and Son, Y. 2022. Guidebook for evaluating fisheries co-management effectiveness. Rome, FAO.

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    Guidebook for evaluating fisheries co-management effectiveness: How it works 2022
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    This handbook, “How it works” complements the FAO Guidebook for evaluating fisheries co-management effectiveness. It includes a brief synopsis of the main topics covered and an overview of the detailed evaluation process described in the Guidebook. It is suggested that users thoroughly review the Guidebook before undertaking an evaluation of fisheries co-management effectiveness.
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    Co-management, a collaborative decision-making approach between governments and diverse user groups regarding shared resources, has evolved across natural resource settings. Traditionally applied in fisheries, forestry, and water management, co-management tackles short-term resource allocation and long-term climate adaptation challenges. Despite aquaculture's perception as a private enterprise, it relies on shared resources and ecosystem services, necessitating collaborative risk and resource management. Acknowledging this connection, aquaculture co-management is integral to enhancing aquatic food production, aligning with the FAO's Blue Transformations vision. The guidebook offers a framework for government, NGOs, and private sectors to develop aquaculture co-management, defining its characteristics, goals, and practices. It outlines a process for implementing and evaluating aquaculture co-management systems, aiming to enhance environmental, social, and economic outcomes. The publication also emphasizes the relevance of aquaculture co-management across diverse production systems, ranging from offshore marine cage culture to coastal, reservoir and riverine pond, cage and pen systems and terrestrial tank systems.
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    The primary audience for this course includes those who commission an evaluation and those who carry out an evaluation. It offers a process and method to evaluate the performance of a fisheries co-management system, in order to enhance its effectiveness in delivering benefits and contributing to environmental, social and economic sustainability and good governance.

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