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Estimating the prevalence of nutrient inadequacy from household consumption and expenditure surveys

Moltedo, A., Álvarez-Sánchez, C., Troubat, N. & Cafiero, C. 2022. Estimating the prevalence of nutrient inadequacy from household consumption and expenditure surveys. FAO Statistics Working Paper Series, No. 30. Rome, FAO. 

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    Book (series)
    Compendium of food consumption statistics from household surveys in developing countries
    Volume 2 : Africa,Latin America and Oceania
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    This first issue of the publication presents data not only from the recent surveys but also, in a number of cases, from some undertaken as far back as the 1970's in order to provide some perspective of the changes over time. However, because of the many surveys involved, it is divided into two volumes: Volume 1,1 covering the surveys conducted in the developing countries in Asia, and the present Volume 2, covering the surveys conducted in the developing countries of Africa, Latin America and Oceania. Another compendium covering the surveys conducted in developed countries will be issued, probably in 1995, following the computerization of all the available survey data in the FAO Statistics Division's database. Subsequently, a single compendium, updating the information, will be periodically issued.
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    Processing food consumption data from household consumption and expenditure surveys (HCES)
    Guidelines for countries collecting data in line with the United Nations Statistical Commission-endorsed guidelines on food data collection in HCES
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    The food data processing guidelines presented in this document provide some basic principles to adopt when transforming the food data collected in household consumption and expenditure surveys (HCES) to data ready for poverty or food security analysis (among other things). The goal is to enable more and more timely, consistent and reliable statistics derived from food consumption data, while also improving the quality and transparency of data processing.The first part presents food consumption modules and provides some useful principles and general methods to consider before starting work. The analyst needs to assess the data collection tools and other available information before embarking on processing the data. Furthermore, the analyst should decide on the overall approach to cleaning the data.The second part provides a step-by-step description of food data processing, following 11 steps that describe how to bring the food consumption data from its raw form, as collected in the survey, to transformed data ready to be used for statistical analysis. The document was produced under the aegis of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Food Security, Agricultural and Rural Statistics (UN-CEAG), which reports to the United Nations Statistical Commission. It was prepared by members of the UN-CEAG task team on food security and consumption statistics, and with several rounds of consultation with a large group of experts from national statistical offices, international organisations and academia.

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