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Niger: Humanitarian Needs Overview and Response Plan 2024

FAO. 2024. The Niger: Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2024. Rome.

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    Haiti: Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2024 2024
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    Agriculture is an increasingly vital lifeline for people in Haiti. Rising insecurity and low harvests have pushed food prices up. The violence is disrupting markets, supply chains, local food availability and access, and the safe movement of people and goods. Over 75 percent of Haiti’s most food-insecure people are in rural areas. They need urgent supplies to continue producing food for their families and community. Boosting vulnerable farming families’ agricultural and livestock production increases their self-reliance and strengthens their resilience against future shocks.
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    Mozambique: Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2024 2024
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    Mozambique is one of Africa’s most climate-vulnerable countries. In addition to climate shocks, the ongoing conflict in Cabo Delgado is the country’s main driver of food insecurity. With over 80 percent of Mozambicans relying on agriculture for food and income, the sector plays a pivotal role in the lives of internally displaced people, returnees and host communities who struggle to access economic opportunities and sufficient nourishment. Emergency agricultural assistance must therefore urgently scale up to effectively address and reduce food insecurity. This document provides an overview of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' (FAO) component of the 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan for Mozambique. FAO requires USD 20.1 million to assist 526 675 people.
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    The Sudan: Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan 2024 2024
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    With conflict raging since April 2023, the Sudan has rapidly become the world’s largest internal displacement crisis. Humanitarian needs are immense and rising. One in two people require immediate assistance, and more than one in three are acutely food insecure. Intense conflict and continued economic decline have constrained agricultural production, limiting access to food nationwide. Restoring crop and livestock production – a livelihood for 2/3 of the population – is a top humanitarian priority. This document provides an overview of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' (FAO) component of the 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan for the Sudan. FAO requires USD 104.1 million to assist 9 million people.

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