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Book (stand-alone)Measuring carbon and water footprints in pineapple value chains 2024This technical guide on measuring carbon and water footprints was developed to support resilient and sustainable businesses in pineapple value chains. By quantifying and reducing GHG emissions, companies can become more resource efficient, reduce costs, enhance the resilience of their operations and contribute to climate change mitigation. Quantifying water use and reducing pollution can help ensure that sufficient, good quality water is available for both communities and businesses. This technical guide aims to develop the capacity of users and empower them to make their own carbon and water footprint calculations independently. It has two main objectives: (1) introduce companies in the pineapple value chain to a methodology to estimate the carbon footprint of their operations, including production, packing, processing and transportation to port; and (2) introduce companies in the pineapple value chain to a methodology to estimate the footprint of their direct water use, from production to transportation to the port. The guide was prepared by the Responsible Fruits Project with support from the Government of Germany. It is closely linked to the project’s technical guide Adapting to climate change in the tropical fruit industry: a technical guide for pineapple producers and exporters.
BookletMeasuring carbon and water footprints in pineapple value chains
A training guide
2024Also available in:
This training guide is part of a set of learning materials on measuring carbon and water footprints that was developed to help stakeholders in the pineapple value chain make their operations more resilient and sustainable. Based on the technical guide “Measuring Carbon and Water Footprints in Pineapple Value Chains”, these materials make this information accessible to producers, associations working with small growers, and other businesses. Created by the Responsible Fruits Project, these materials offer a comprehensive set of resources, including a training guide, three slide decks (an introductory deck providing an overview of the tools and two specific decks on carbon and water footprint methodologies), and two videos – one each on carbon and water measurement. These materials will be valuable for trainers and businesses in the pineapple industry as they work to reduce their environmental impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, water use, and water quality. Additionally, they support industry efforts to meet international market demands for sustainability and transparency. The development of this training guide and all the related materials was made possible through support from the Government of Germany. -
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