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Technical guidance for the creation and implementation of a national fisher registry in support of fisheries management

Savoré, S., Laurent, Y. & Salazar Herrera, D. 2024. Technical guidance for the creation and implementation of a nationalfisher registry in support of fisheries management. Rome, FAO. 

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    This report summarizes the proceedings and outcomes of the Regional Workshop for the Near East on the “Development of a Global Information System of Farmed Types of Aquatic Genetic Resources (Incorporating a review of strategic priorities for a Global Plan of Action)” held from 7 to 8 December 2020. The objectives of the workshop were to promote standardized use of nomenclature and terminology in the description and categorization of aquatic genetic resources (AqGR), especially below the level of species (i.e. farmed types), to identify priority regional stakeholders who would benefit from and could contribute to an information system, such as the Registry, to evaluate the key elements of the prototype Registry using regionally relevant species and their farmed types, and to review the strategic priorities and propose concrete activities under each of the four Priority Areas of the GPA. The workshop sessions were attended by National Focal Points for Aquatic Genetic Resources from the Near East, officials from ministries and research institutions. Participants identified government resource managers, academia and researchers as the principal stakeholders and beneficiaries of the Registry.
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    Evaluation of the impact of unemployment insurance on the socioeconomic conditions of small-scale fishers 2023
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    The Unemployment Insurance for Small-scale Fishers, or "Seguro-Defeso", is a programme related to one of the management measures for fishing in Brazil, the "Defeso", which seeks to guarantee the conservation of exploited stocks and the sustainability of fishing by restricting the permitted fishing period for certain species. The "Seguro-Defeso" is a benefit intended for small-scale fishers, in the amount of one minimum wage, during the months of the closed fishing season. The benefit serves as financial compensation for the impossibility of engaging in fishing activities during this period. After 30 years of implementation, the study conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in partnership with the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG), assesses, for the first time, the socioeconomic impacts of this social protection programme on small-scale fishers and their families.
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    Protection sociale des artisans pêcheurs de la région méditerranéenne
    Policy brief
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    Small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Region represents a key segment of the fishing sector, accounting for the greatest part of the fleet in the region and more than a half of the total workers employed in the sector. Fisher and fishworker households are exposed to different risks and vulnerabilities, including human and natural hazards. Furthermore, fisheries remain one of the most hazardous occupations with a very high fatality rate. Access to markets, financial, social and institutional services along with diversified and alternative livelihoods opportunities is often poor. Degrading fish stocks and aquatic ecosystems worsen this, along with pressure from climate change and climate-induced shocks and hazards and competition over resources with other sectors. Despite the key role social protection can have in reducing poverty and vulnerability, social protection often does not reach the small-scale fishing sector. The limited availability of accurate, robust and timely data on the sector, challenged by the high levels of informality, irregularity and seasonal nature of small-scale fishing activity, can result in the exclusion of small-scale fishers from laws governing formal employment, therefore, hindering their participation in national social protection systems. This policy brief presents the outcomes of a study commissioned by the FAO and the GFCM on available social protection systems in five countries in the Mediterranean (Albania, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia). It identifies the conditions and vulnerabilities of fishers, along with best practices in the provision of social protection programs and policies, and proposes recommendations to improve the coverage and effective delivery of social protection programmes for small-scale fishers in the region.

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