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Terminal evaluation of the project “Securing the Future of Global Agriculture in the face of climate change by conserving the Genetic Diversity of the Traditional Agroecosystems of Mexico”

Project code: GCP/MEX/305/GFF - GEF ID: 9380

Evaluation highlights (Spanish)

FAO. 2024. Terminal evaluation of the project “Securing the Future of Global Agriculture in the face of climate change byconserving the Genetic Diversity of the Traditional Agroecosystems of Mexico”. Project Evaluation Series, 20/2024. Rome.

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    Terminal evaluation of the project “Strengthening capacities of agricultural producers to cope with climate change for increased food security through the Farmer Field School approach in Mozambique”
    Project code: GCP/MOZ/112/LDF - GEF ID: 5433
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    Mozambique is a low income country, with almost 70 percent of the population living in rural areas. Farmers suffer from lack of access to technology and qualified technical services. The country is also extremely vulnerable to increasingly prevalent natural phenomena, such as cyclones Dineo, Idai and Kenneth, which destroyed crops and agricultural infrastructure between 2017 and 2019. The country faces challenges in implementing regulatory instruments for the integration of practices climate change adaptation (CCA) in the agricultural sector.The Government of Mozambique, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) have joined efforts to increase the capacity of Mozambique's agricultural and pastoral sectors to deal with climate change.The project generated relevant results, including the incorporation of specific actions for CCA in strategic plans at ministerial level and in Economic and Social Plans and District Budgets (PESOD); the preparation of Mozambique's nationally determined contribution (NDC); the creation of local and community plans to adapt to climate change; the installation of 11 agrometeorological stations and greater financial autonomy for beneficiary women.The evaluation recommended that FAO support the government to ensure the integration of CCA into key policy documents and the integration of the Farmer Field Schools (FFS) into future rural development programmes, including the new Sustenta Programme, and that, in future programmes, FAO will focus on developing value chains and promoting farmers' access to markets.
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    Terminal evaluation of the project “Integration of climate resilience in agricultural and pastoral production for food security in vulnerable rural areas through the farmer field school approach”
    Project Code: GCP/NER/043/LDF GEF ID: 4702
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    This is the final evaluation report of a project that aimed to strengthen the agricultural and pastoral sectors’ climate change adaptation (CCA) capacities in the Niger. The project reached 21 142 direct beneficiaries (or 106 percent of the target), including 51 percent women. However, the project experienced shortcomings in terms of its management (from start-up to mid-term), its third expected result (integration of CCA into development policies and plans) and its mobilization/accounting of co-financing partners. The expected third result will be continued under the agro-pastoral field school-community listeners’ clubs (AFPS-CLC) component of the Climate-Smart Agriculture Support Project (PASEC). Despite project achievements, the evaluation concludes FAO must nevertheless improve certain project management and mobilization of co-financing mechanisms, strengthen the capacities of partners based on their needs-analysis, and recommends developing a long-term partnership with farmer organizations to strengthen their extension and advisory support capacities.
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    Terminal evaluation of the project "Enhancing Climate Change Resilience in the Benguela Current Fisheries System"
    Project codes: GCP/SFS/480/LDF and GCP/SFS/480/SCF - GEF ID 5113
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    The project’s objective was “to build resilience and reduce the vulnerability to climate change of the marine fisheries and mariculture sectors in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) through implementation of adaptation strategies”. The recommendations are around: involvement of FAO Country Offices in regional projects to facilitate transfer of activities; funding prioritization after no-cost extensions; institutionalization of the project; and management of joint project budgets. The key lessons learned were on challenges of implementing joint projects in countries with different political economies, importance of national working groups in the coordination of national climate change activities, need to train country coordinators in project and budget management, monitoring and evaluation, communications, and the importance of embedding project into focal ministries/departments for sustainable transitions.

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