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Terminal evaluation of the project "Governance Strengthening for the Management and Protection of Coastal & Marine Biodiversity in key ecological areas and the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries"

Project code: GCP/ARG/025/GFF, GEF ID: 5112

FAO. 2024. Terminal evaluation of the project “Governance Strengthening for the Management and Protection of Coastal & MarineBiodiversity in key ecological areas and the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries” – Project code: GCP/ARG/025/GFF, GEFID: 5112. Project Evaluation Series, No. 24/2024. Rome.

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    The project, implemented in Argentina between July 2015 and June 2022, had the objectives of developing a framework strengthened governance that allows the effective protection of biodiversity against the impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) and enhances the current and future socioeconomic benefits derived from the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. The evaluation estimates that as a result of the implementation of the project, Argentina is better prepared to face the challenge of IAS management and has made progress towards enhancing the socioeconomic benefits derived from the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity by controlling IAS.
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    The marine areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) comprises 40 percent of the earth’s surface, it covers 64 percent of the surface of the ocean and 95 percent of its volume. The Common Oceans ABNJ Program (2014-2019) was implemented by FAO as a concerted effort to bring various stakeholders to work together to manage and conserve the world’s common oceans. The ABNJ Deep-Sea project, one component of the Common Oceans ABNJ Program, was of great assistance to newly-formed regional fisheries management organization and arrangements (RFMO/As), as well as some long-standing regional fisheries. The project showed positive results in safeguarding vulnerable marine ecosystems, strengthening monitoring, control and surveillance to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, mitigating bycatch mortality trends, and building awareness of cross-sectoral aspects in effective governance of ABNJ. Through its cooperation with RFMOs, the project has, to some extent, contributed to minimize the negative impacts of bycatch. Results achieved should be capitalized on and upscaled in a second phase.
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    Terminal evaluation of the project "Implementing the socio-ecosystem connectivity approach to conserve and sustainable use biodiversity in the Caribbean Region of Colombia"
    Project code: GCP/COL/041/GFF - GEF ID: 5288
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    The project “Implementing the socio-ecosystem approach to conserve and sustainable use biodiversity in the Caribbean Region of Colombia” was financed by the GEF, implemented, and executed by FAO. The results of the evaluation highlight the relevance of the project to reduce the degradation and fragmentation of the strategic ecosystems of the Caribbean Colombian area, increase and improve the provision of goods and services from agricultural and forestry production. It was also found a high effectiveness of the project in obtaining the expected results, exceeding in some cases, the established goals. Likewise, the processes and mechanisms implemented by the project for the involvement of relevant stakeholders generated a very high ownership of the project. Due to the successes achieved, the evaluation identified good practices and lessons learned that may be useful for the design of similar projects. Among the main areas for improvement that were identified, is to improve the design of goals related to the impact on policy instruments and the determination of co-financing by the project partners; the institutionalization of the Regional Strategy of Socioecosystemic Connectivities to ensure its replicability and the revision of the tool for monitoring the effectiveness in the management of the GEF.

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