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Book (stand-alone)Praktikat noteriale në Shqipëri - Garantimi i barazisë gjinore sa i takon pronësisë dhe kontrollit mbi tokën/Notarial practices in Albania - Strengthening gender equality in land ownership and control 2021
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No results found.The country level guideline’s aim is to provide practical guidance to notaries when handling issues pertaining to gender sensitive property transactions. The purpose of the national guidelines is to help notaries and other legal professions to mitigate the effects of gender discrimination through the services that they provide across the country, raise awareness on women’s rights, and anticipate any risks that might occur in the enjoyment of property rights by women. Qëllimi i udhëzuesit kombëtar është të ofrojë udhëzime për noterët gjatë trajtimit të çështjeve lidhur me transferimet e pasurisë me ndjeshmëri gjinore. Qëllimi i udhëzuesit kombëtar është që të ndihmojë noterët dhe profesionet e tjera ligjore të zbusin efektet e diskriminimit për shkak të gjinisë përmes shërbimeve që ata ofrojnë në mbarë vendin, të rritet sensibilizimi lidhur me të drejtat e grave dhe t’i paraprihet ndonjë rreziku që mund të lindë gjatë ushtrimit të të drejtave pasurore nga ana e grave. -
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Book (stand-alone)The community land rights of women and youth in Tana River and Turkana Counties - A Synthesis report 2017
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No results found.This report focuses on the findings of the assessments carried out in Tana River and Turkana Counties. The report identifies a number of recommendations revolving around awareness creation (community sensitization) by non-governmental organizations to enlighten the communities about their rights and the importance of adhering to constitutional principles such as participation and consultation. Other recommended interventions include proper land use planning, the formation of group ranches for th e sustainable management of resources, exposure visits to other communities to exchange ideas on how to move forward on the women’s land rights agenda, synergies with relevant offices in the county government, and working with religious leaders and organizations to advocate for women’s/youth’s rights.
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