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Delivery of blended learning models for veterinary paraprofessionals

Lessons learned

FAO. 2025. Delivery of blended learning models for veterinary paraprofessionals – Lessons learned. Rome.

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    Veterinary paraprofessional training and business environment needs assessment
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    Through an innovative continuous professional development (CPD) training programme, “Growing your business through preventive livestock healthcare”, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has aimed to address private sector veterinary paraprofessionals’ skills gaps and support them to develop successful businesses providing preventive livestock health services to small-scale farmers and pastoralists. This document details the methodology of the needs assessment process and the key findings, including content on the legal frameworks, curricula, priority subjects, existing CPD, and design considerations.
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    Through an innovative continuous professional development training programme, “Growing your business through preventive livestock healthcare”, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has aimed to address private sector veterinary paraprofessionals’ skills gaps and support them to develop successful businesses providing preventive livestock health services to small-scale farmers and pastoralists. These training courses were piloted in Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda in 2023. This document will outline the mentoring scheme that was part of the programme and some of the main lessons learned from the experience in Uganda and Nigeria.
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    Veterinary paraprofessional competency framework: Nigeria 2024
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    The Nigeria Veterinary Paraprofessiobal Competency Framework is specifically tailored to the role of Veterinary Paraprofessionals (VPPs) in Nigeria. It builds on the World Organization of Animal Health (WOAH) guidelines by recognizing increasing levels of competency from novice, through to intermediate and advanced competency levels. The framework aims to support capacity development of VPPs working as animal health service providers with livestock farmers (these may be smallholder farmers, pastoralists of more commercial livestock enterprises). The tool may be used by:-Veterinary Paraprofessionals in order to identify their current competency level for a set of competencies and define personalized continuous professional development learning goals;-Veterinary Paraprofessional training and continuous professional development providers in order to identify learning objectives for a training focussing on a particular competency or skill set; -Mentors and supervisors of Veterinary Paraprofessionals in order to assess Veterinary Paraprofessionals al competencies, identify areas for improvement and provide tailored support for capacity development of Veterinary Paraprofessionals.

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