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    Policy brief
    Investments in surface water management infrastructure, input transfer programmes, and advisory services yield large benefits for crop producers in coastal Bangladesh 2024
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    Climate change poses a formidable challenge to agricultural production in coastal regions of Bangladesh that rely primarily on rainfed, paddy production systems. The confluence of rising sea levels, erratic precipitation patterns, and saline intrusion exacerbates the vulnerability of these agricultural systems, threatening the livelihoods of millions of farmers. In response to these challenges, the Ministry of Agriculture of Bangladesh, with financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and technical assistance of the FAO Country Office (FAO-TA), implements the Smallholder Agriculture Competitiveness Project (SACP). The overall objective of SACP is to increase farmers’ incomes and livelihood resilience through demand-led productivity investments, crop diversification and increased market linkages. This will be achieved through implementation of three components: Component 1 focuses on enhanced production of high-value crops (HVCs) and technology adoption; Component 2 focuses on processing and marketing of HVCs; and Component 3 invests in climate-resilient surface water management.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Tillage systems for soil and water conservation
    FAO Soils Bulletin No. 54
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    The increasing world population is resulting in intensified cropping of the limited areas of arable land to provide the necessary food in some countries. Unless effective conservation practices are used, such intensive cropping tends to increase the loss of soil and water resources. This trend must be reversed. The objectives of the Soils Bulletin are to present the principles and practices if tillage systems for sustained food production and to create an awareness of the need to conserve the world?s soil water energy resources for future generations. Although energy is an integral part of tillage systems, the emphasis is on soil and water conservation. This bulletin emphasizes tillage systems for developing countries, but relies heavily on principles that have been developed throughout the world. The need for more research on conservation tillage in developing countries is stressed.
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    An Introduction to the Art of Agrometereological Crop Yield Forecasting Using Multiple Regression
    Crop Yeald Forecasting and Agrometeorology Sub-Project UTF/BGD/029, ASIRP/DAE
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    It is suggested that the approach used by FAO and a number of developing countries for crop forecasting at the national level strikes a good compromise between input requirements and ease of validation. The article thus describes the FAO crop modelling and forecasting philosophy.

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