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Book (stand-alone)Climate-change impacts on plant pests: a technical resource to support national and regional plant protection organizations 2024
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No results found.Climate change is having an impact on ecosystems and agricultural production systems throughout the world. It influences international trade flows of plants and plant products and it will change the infectivity, severity and distribution of plant pests throughout the world. Preventive, mitigation and adaptation measures by national plant protection organizations (NPPOs) and regional plant protection organizations (RPPOs) are essential to limit the international spread of pests adapting to climate change.Climate-change impacts on ecosystems, pests and vectors also threaten the international trading system, as international trade provides a pathway for pests and vectors to spread into new areas of the world. To facilitate safe international trade in plants and plant products, it is therefore imperative to strengthen national, regional and international phytosanitary capacities regarding climate change. The aim of this document is to provide technical and operational advice to NPPOs and RPPOs on how to effectively assess and manage the pest risk that is a consequence of climate change. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetCurrent condition of Yedigöller National Park, Türkiye 2024
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No results found.The flyer describes the Yedigöller National Park, a Turkish national park recognized for its natural resources and scenic beauty. It also describes how it could serve as a model for other national parks and draw visitors year-round. It features diverse ecosystems, including forests, riverine, and lake ecosystems, predominantly covered by pure beech forests and mixed forests with coniferous and deciduous species. The Yedigöller stream and its branches form the riverine ecosystems. High visitor density, particularly in peak seasons, has led to soil compaction and removal of forest floor organic matter, affecting the park's sustainability. The flyer lists how adaptive management strategies focusing on the water cycle, soil compaction, and climate change adaptation are essential to address these issues. It further illustrates that efforts are needed to develop visitor-oriented management tools, promote sustainable use of resources, and enhance awareness and resilience to climate change among stakeholders. -
Book (series)Terminal evaluation of the project "Strengthening the adaptive capacity to climate change in the fisheries and aquaculture sector of Chile
GCP/CHI/039/GFF - GEF ID: 6955
2021Also available in:
The project “Strengthening the adaptive capacity to climate change in the fisheries and aquaculture sector of Chile”, with support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), sought to reduce the vulnerability and increase the adaptive capacity to climate change in the fisheries and aquaculture sector of Chile. Implemented in four remote coves, the project was geared towards coastal communities through high quality in-person participatory capacity building sessions, raising awareness about topics such as productive diversification, adaptation to climate change, aquaculture and tourism. Despite there being several changes in civil servants and government authorities, as well as certain delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic and civil unrest in the country, the project managed to progress towards the formulated objective, was relevant to the actual situation and suited to the needs of the beneficiaries. Lessons learned were also generated to improve the formulation and management of this type of project in the future. Notably, the evaluation found that climate change adaptation workshops have a high potential for replicability across different geographic settings in the region.
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