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Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment

  • develop and implement normative and standard-setting instruments;
  • improve access to data and information;
  • facilitate, promote and support policy dialogue;
  • support capacity development at country and regional level;
  • improve the uptake of knowledge, technologies and good practices;
  • facilitate partnerships;
  • advocate and communicate at national, regional and global level.
Working through five workstreams, OCB leads FAO’s work under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and hosts FAO units liaising with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). It works in coordination with other multilateral environmental agreements and action plans, and supported by OCB’s Youth and Gender groups, mainstreams gender and the involvement of youth in FAO’s strategies related to the sustainable use, management and conservation of natural resources for food and agriculture.

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    Supporting the Transition to Sustainable Agriculture through Harmonized Incentives for Ecosystem Services - GCP/GLO/660/MUL 2020
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    The project worked towards the achievement of two inter related outcomes, the integration of IES into FAO global and regional work programmes and the promotion of IES in discussions on international policy. Through the delivery of training sessions, organization of events and contribution to publications, the project actively engaged with FAO teams to integrate IES into projects under the FAO Major Area of Work on Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity and other relevant workstreams , such as Sustainable Food and Agriculture and the guidance of work under FAO Strategic Objective 2. Likewise, by contributing to the submissions made by key FAO units, as well as the organization of side events, the project supported the integration of IES into the dialogue of FAO Governing Bodies, particularly within the Committee on Agriculture and during FAO’s preparation for the 13th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity. In addition, to better exemplify the approach and benefits of IES, the “incentives spectrum” was integrated into six FAO publications and an evaluation of IES case studies was conducted to support the development of an online IES toolkit and road map. The project was also responsible for organizing side events at relevant United Nations conventions and international dialogue events, with the broader aim of influencing the debate surrounding agro environmental targets. Additionally, efforts to work directly with national authorities and FAO units in Cambodia, Kenya, Pakistan and Rwanda were undertaken to support the adoption of IES. Finally, events were also organized and FAO projects were formulated to promote private sector investment in IES through the reorganization of public funds into harmonized incentive packages.
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    FAO in Europe and Central Asia 2023 2024
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    FAO’s work globally and in the Europe and Central Asia region is guided by the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031, which articulates the Organization’s vision of a sustainable and food-secure world for all. The Strategic Framework seeks to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through the transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, leaving no one behind. With the Strategic Framework and the four betters as a lens, this report reviews and describes the project and the programme work of the Organization at the regional level and in each of the FAO programme countries of the region. For the Europe and Central Asia region, the year 2023 was marked by the tests of war, conflicts and natural disasters. The year began with the 6 February earthquake in Türkiye and Syria – the most severe to occur in Türkiye in a century – that directly affected an estimated 9.1 million people in the 11 hardest-hit provinces, and caused great loss of life. Additionally, the war in Ukraine continued to disrupt domestic, regional and world food markets and displace great numbers of people. The region also experienced extreme weather events. This report summarizes FAO’s achievements and accomplishments in Europe and Central Asia in 2023, including work to increase social protection, ensure climate action, improve conditions for youth and women and implement solutions based on science, innovation and digitalization. The first section of this report interprets FAO’s work in countries and regionally through the lens of the four betters, while the second summarizes the work completed in each country in 2023 and outlines ongoing efforts.The report captures snapshots of FAO's work in the Europe and Central Asia region. Short entries cover such topics as FAO's work on agrifood systems transformation, the digital and green transformation of agriculture to increase sustainable resilience, land banking and consolidation, the Digital Villages Initiative, Farmer Field Schools, precision agriculture, the One Health approach, fish health management, the One Country One Priority Product initiative, reduction of food loss and waste, women's empowerment and gender equity, youth empowerment, the Hand-in-Hand Initative, food systems controls, climate change action, mainstreaming biodiversity, the regional seed programme, management of agrichemicals, an overview of the fruit and vegetable sector of the Eurasian Economic Union, Agricultural Market Information and strengthening agrifood policy and market developments and resource mobililization.
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    FAO–Global Environment Facility Türkiye Programme 2023
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    The FAO–GEF Türkiye Programme, which receives funding from the Global Environmental Facility and the Government of Türkiye, offers essential assistance in various areas. These include the sustainable management of forests, land, and water resources, biodiversity conservation through agroecology practices, nature-based solutions, and climate-smart agriculture. The programme aims to boost food and nutrition security while also improving livelihoods. Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the FAO–GEF Türkiye Programme embraces inclusivity and sustainability, with a particular focus on empowering women and youth for rural development and resilience. It addresses the challenges of poverty, climate change, biodiversity loss, and desertification. Türkiye strongly supports the vision of FAO and the four betters: better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, in order to transform sustainable food systems which are key elements to achieve the SDGs. This insightful provides detailed information about the collaborative efforts between FAO and Türkiye.

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