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Book (series)Report of the second Ad Hoc Technical Meeting on the Future of the of the Southwest Indian Ocean Committee. Antananarivo, Madagascar, 11-12 July 2000. / Rapport de la deuxième réunion technique ad hoc sur l'avenir du Comité des pêches du sud-ouest de l'océan Indien. Antananarivo, Madagascar, 11-12 juillet 2000 2000
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No results found.This document is the final report of the second Ad hoc Technical Meeting on the Future of the Southwest Indian Ocean Committee, which was held in Antananarivo (Madagascar), on 11 and 12 July 2000. A draft agreement for the establishment of a regional fisheries body in the South West Indian Ocean was reviewed. The major items of discussion were the area of competence, membership, functions and finance of the regional body. Eight members of the former Committee for the Development and Management o f Fisheries in the Southwest Indian Ocean as well as the European Community were present at the Meeting. -
Book (series)Report of the third Intergovernmental Consultation on the Establishment of a Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, Nairobi, Kenya, 27–30 January 2004/ Rapport de la troisième Consultation intergouvernementale sur la création d’une Commission des pêches pour le sud-ouest de l’océan Indien, Nairobi, Kenya, 27–30 janvier 2004 2004
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No results found.This document is the final report of the Third Intergovernmental Consultation on the Establishment of a Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 27 to 30 January 2004. The Consultation was attended by delegates from fifteen FAO Member countries, one international non-governmental organization, two international development agencies and the United Nations Development Programme. For waters under the sovereignty of coastal States, the Consultation agreed that a re gional body for the management and development of coastal fisheries, with advisory powers only, be set up under Article VI of the FAO Constitution. For the high seas, it agreed that there should be a separate instrument, outside of the FAO, with the power to take binding decisions on conservation and management measures. The Consultation recognized the right of involvement of coastal States in the high seas instrument and identified linkages between the proposed coastal State and the high seas a rrangements. The Consultation also agreed on the draft text for a resolution to the FAO Council and for the statutes of a regional body for the management and development of coastal fisheries. Possible elements of a draft agreement for the high seas were briefly discussed. -
Book (series)Report of the Eleventh Session of the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission, Teleconference, 4–6 August 2021 / Rapport de la onzième session de la Commission des pêches pour le sud-ouest de l'océan Indien, téléconférence, 4-6 août 2021 2023
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No results found.The Eleventh Session of the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC) was held virtually from 4 to 6 August 2021. The Commission considered the report of the Scientific Committee and endorsed its recommendations, including the proposal on the creation of a Working Group on Fisheries Socioeconomics. The Session noted the work conducted and recommendations of the two meetings held on 2020 by the Working Party on Collaboration and Cooperation in Tuna Fisheries (WPCCTF), the preliminary findings for the baseline report on the Minimum Terms and Conditions (MTC) Guidelines by SWIOFC members and discussed the possible start of a negotiation about the Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Framework Agreement (SWIO FFA). La onzième session de la Commission des pêches du sud-ouest de l'océan Indien (CPSOOI) s'est tenue virtuellement du 4 au 6 août 2021. La Commission a examiné le rapport du Comité scientifique et a approuvé ses recommandations, y compris la proposition de création d'un groupe de travail sur la socio-économie des pêches. La session a pris note des travaux menés et des recommandations des deux réunions tenues en 2020 par le groupe de travail sur la collaboration et la coopération dans le secteur de la pêche thonière (GTCCPT), les conclusions préliminaires du rapport sur les lignes directrices relatives aux termes et conditions minimales (TCM) par les membres de la CPSOOI, et a discuté le possible début d’une négociation sur l'Accord-cadre sur les pêches dans le sud-ouest de l'océan Indien (ACP SOOI).
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