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Report of the second FAO Workshop on statistics for greenhouse gas emissions

03 - 04 June 2013, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the Third FAO regional workshop on statistics for greenhouse gas emissions
    02 - 03 December 2013, Casablanca, Morocco
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    This report contains the main results of the Third FAO Regional Workshop on statistics for greenhouse gas emissions, Casablanca, Morocco, 02-03 December 2013. The objectives of the workshop were to: i) raise awareness of the importance of agricultural statistics for preparing national Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories and mitigation plans; ii) explore the need for increased capacity in view of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and Biennial Update Reports (BURs) preparation and sub mission under the United Nations Conventions on Climate Change; and iii) facilitate communication and exchange of relevant knowledge on GHG data for agriculture, forestry and other land uses, identifying challenges, gaps, and opportunities for improving national data systems and analysis tools. The workshop identified improved coordination of national activities and actors as essential to meet commitments for the BURs. Key issues highlighted for progress included reliability, sustainability and comprehensiveness of data collection and analysis procedures. Countries identified the need for improved institutional arrangements as the most crucial and critical, underpinned by the need to provide human, technical and financial resources for development, implementation and maintenance of sound GHG inventories. A key role for FAO was identified and recommended, in order to ensure sustainable assistance to its Member Countries, to facilitate dissemination of technical material, and to further develop its capacity development activities based on country needs and in collaboration with relevant agencies.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Enhancing countries capacity to report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on greenhouse gas emissions for the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use sector: Costa Rica 2016
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    "Enhancing country capacity for UNFCCC reporting processes for the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use sector: Costa Rica" summarizes the support provided by FAO between 2013 and 2016 to the government of Costa Rica, through the Monitoring and Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigation in Agriculture (MAGHG) project. Costa Rica was among the eighteen countries attending the Second FAO Workshop on Statistics for Greenhouse gas Emissions , held from 3 to 4 June 2013 in Port of Spai n, Trinidad and Tobago. It was organized by the Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA) Programme. The aim of this workshop was to raise awareness of the importance of agricultural statistics for preparing national GHG inventories and planning national mitigation action, and to facilitate communication and exchange of relevant knowledge at national and regional level.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Agriculture
    A Manual to Address Data Requirements for Developing Countries
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    Countries report their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals from all sectors via national GHG Inventories, submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in accordance with international climate policy agreements and technical guidelines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The agriculture sector represents a unique challenge for national inventory compilers, especially in developing countries, due to significant difficulties in compiling and regularly updating national statistics for agriculture, forestry and land use —the first necessary step in preparing national GHG estimates. This Manual provides Member Countries with a tool and methodology to help identify, build and access he minimum set of activity data needed for GHG estimation. Required data is largely drawn from country’s official national agricultural and forestry statistics, as disseminated in FAO’s corporate database FAOSTAT, and integrated by geo-spati al data obtained from recognized international sources. Users are provided with step-by-step guidance on how to use this minimum set to build a default, yet complete national GHG emission dataset for agriculture and land use, which follows the default, Tier 1 approach of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines on National GHG Inventories. This Manual therefore contributes to FAO and the Global Strategy support to national processes towards improved agricultural and rural statistics. It can be used as a guide by staff of national statistical offices, environmental ministries and other relevant national agencies, to understand the international context of international climate policy (Ch. 2) and international guidelines (Ch. 3), identify needs for improved agricultural and rural data as well as emission estimates towards improving GHG Inventories (Ch. 4), while supplying practical information and examples based on accessing and using the FAOSTAT Emissions database for agriculture and land use (Ch. 5).

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