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Food loss and waste in Egypt

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Food loss and waste reduction and value chain development for food security in Egypt and Tunisia
    Egypt component
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    The brochures helps in promoting awareness about food loss and waste reduction. It explains the concept of the food loss and waste reduction and value chain development for food security in Egypt and Tunisia with a focus on the Egypt component of the project. It also explains the loss and waste along the value chain stages, the objectives, main activities and stakeholders of the project.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Food Losses and Waste Reduction and Value Chain Development for Food Security in Egypt and Tunisia 2018
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    Food loss and waste (FLW) along food value chains in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) are estimated to reach 250kg per person and cost over 60 billion USD annually. The social, economic, and environmental impacts are serious for a region that relies heavily on global food imports, has limited potential to increase food production, and faces scarcity of water and arable land. Substantial amounts of FLW occur at all stages of the food supply chain, but roughly two-third occurs during production, handling, processing, and distribution of food, whereas one-third occurs at the consumer-level.The project “Food losses and waste reduction and value chain development in Egypt and Tunisia” funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation aims at reducing FLW throughout selected food value chains, focusing primarily on the post-harvest, trading, and processing stages of the chains.
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    Reducing Food Loss and Waste and Developing Value Chains in Egypt and Tunisia - GCP/RNE/004/ITA 2019
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    Food Loss and Waste (FLW) is a challenge for food security and a source of economic loss throughout the world. This project focused on mitigating FLW in Egypt and Tunisia, where evidence indicates that food losses occur across value chains and that food waste occurs at the consumption stage. Two value chains that could benefit from development and support in order to reduce FLW and increase livelihoods were identified in both countries. In Egypt, the project focused on the tomato and grape value chains, and in Tunisia, it focused on cereals and dairy. The overall aim of the project was to build the capacities of public and private sector actors, including young people and women, to reduce FLW in the selected value chains as a means of increasing food security and creating economic opportunities while simultaneously attempting to reduce environmental impact.

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