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Climate-induced human mobility: How can anticipatory action play a role in Asia and the Pacific?

FAO & IOM. 2023. Climate-induced human mobility: How can anticipatory action play a role in Asia and the Pacific? Bangkok.

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    Viet Nam: Impact of Anticipatory Action
    Racing against Typhoon Noru
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    This study documents the outcomes of an Anticipatory Action activation implemented in the central provinces of Viet Nam ahead of Typhoon Noru, in September 2022. Through a collective effort, waterproof drums and multipurpose cash assistance were provided three days before Typhoon Noru made landfall. This enabled families, identified from the list of poor and near poor households in regular social protection programmes, to safeguard their food security and assets ahead of the shock. Shortly after, an impact assessment was carried out through a mixed methods approach which observed improvements in food security, reduction in negative coping mechanisms, and increased sense of security from those who received support prior to the typhoon’s landfall. For every United States dollar invested in the distribution of waterproof drums, families were able to save USD 0.46 in avoided losses. If the entire shelf life of the drums is considered, the return on investment would easily increase to USD 4.60 over ten seasons. Voices from communities and local authorities also provided pathways for further refinement on targeting and activities, scalability and strengthening the approach within Viet Nam’s disaster risk management architecture. The activation showcase provided valuable insights, highlighting the efficacy of taking pre-emptive action before a typhoon makes landfall.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO-WFP Anticipatory Action Strategy
    Scaling up anticipatory actions to prevent food crises – September 2023
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    Recognizing that the increasing number of food crises require resources and capacities far beyond the reach of any individual organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are partnering together to scale up the reach of Anticipatory Action. This means acting ahead of predicted hazards to mitigate acute humanitarian impacts before they fully unfold. The two agencies are committed to further strengthening collaboration on selected strategic and technical areas that bring out their comparative strengths and maximize the benefit to communities at risk of shocks to their food security. By partnering on scaling up Anticipatory Action, WFP and FAO commit to: 1. jointly deliver a comprehensive set of Anticipatory Action measures to protect people’s food security from shocks; 2. expand the geographic coverage and anticipation for different types of shocks, beyond hydrometeorological hazards, that can be predicted and affect agriculture and food security; and 3. jointly advocate for the mainstreaming of Anticipatory Action within key policies, processes and institutions, including disaster risk management, social protection and climate change adaptation to enable sustainability and greater cost efficiencies.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Safeguarding agricultural livelihoods and food security by scaling up Anticipatory Actions 2023
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    The intensity and frequency of natural hazards and conflicts is increasing, leaving unprecedented levels of humanitarian needs. We cannot continue to wait for hazards to impact communities before we act. Anticipation must become an integral part of the way we address food crises, to help people strengthen their resilience so they can better respond to threats and recover from shocks more quickly. For this reason, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been a strong advocate of forward-looking interventions and works closely with governments and partners in the humanitarian and scientific community to link early warning to Anticipatory Action. FAO’s partnership with the German Federal Foreign Office is a critical contribution to this agenda, helping to ensure capacities are in place in selected high-risk countries and regions to effectively monitor key risks to agriculture and food security, and act head of shocks.

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