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Global Strategy to improve agricultural and rural statistics

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Global strategy to improve agricultural and rural statistics 2010
    The purpose of the Global Strategy is to provide a framework for national and international statistical systems that enables them to produce and to apply the basic data and information needed to guide decision making in the twenty-fi rst century. This Strategy is based on three pillars. The first pillar is the establishment of a minimum set of core data that countries will collect to meet current and emerging demands. The second pillar is the integration of agriculture into national statistica l systems in order to satisfy the demands of policy makers and other users who rely on comparable data across locations and over time. The integration will be achieved by implementing a set of methodologies that includes the development of a master sample frame for agriculture, the implementation of an integrated survey framework, and with results available in a data management system. The third pillar is the oundation that will provide the sustainability of the agricultural statistics system th rough governance and statistical capacity building.
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    Mid-term evaluation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics
    Executive summary. March 2016
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    This report is an evaluation of the project “Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics”, which is a comprehensive framework for improving and ensuring the sustainability of statistics in agriculture, livestock, aquaculture, small-scale fisheries and forestry production in developing countries. To implement the Global Strategy, a five-year Global Action Plan (GAP) was developed to strengthen statistical capacities in 90 countries – 40 in Africa, 20 in Asia-Pacific, 20 in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), five in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and five in the Near East. The mid-term evaluation (MTE) assessed the progress made toward the Global Strategy’s outcome and outputs at the global, regional and country levels, and made recommendations based on the evaluation team’s findings. It also assessed the impact of the funding gap on the sustainability of the Global Strategy. In addition to global activities, the MTE focused on activities in Africa and Asia-Pacific because most of the funding and implementation of planned activities have focused on these regions.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics in Asia Pacific 2018
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    The Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS) is an ambitious five-year programme implemented by FAO in collaboration with other partners that seeks to empower developing countries to produce better agricultural and rural statistics for effective policy making and to improve lives. This brochure provides an overview of the project, highlights the progress towards achieving the Global Strategy with the way foward for a possible second phase implementation.

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