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Book (series)Report of the Expert Consultation on Interactions between Sea Turtles and Fisheries within an Ecosystem Context. Rome, Italy, 9-12 March 2004 2004An Expert Consultation on Interactions between Sea Turtles and Fisheries within an Ecosystem Context was convened by FAO and held in Rome, Italy, from 9 to 12 March 2004. The meeting was attended by 11 experts from seven countries, covering expertise related to sea turtle biology and conservation, fishing gear technology, fisheries management and socio-economics. The Expert Consultation was organized to provide technical input to the Technical Consultation to take place in Bangkok, Thailand, lat er in 2004, as agreed at the Twenty-fifth Session of the Committee on Fisheries, held in Rome, Italy, from 24 to 28 February 2003. This information paper provides a summary of the Consultation’s outcomes and outputs, including overviews of sea turtle status, fisheries impacts, possible managerial solutions, socio-economic aspects and recommendations for future work and actions.
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Status of Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries in 1995
Proceeding of the Second FAO Expert Consultation on Interactions of Pacific Tuna Fisheries Shimizu, Japan 23 to 31 January 1995
1996Also available in:
No results found.This publication includes forty papers and two abstracts of papers presented at the Second FAO Expert Consultation on Pacific Tuna Fisheries held in Shimizu, Japan, from 23 to 31 January 1995. The topics of the papers include: · reviews of tuna fisheries interactions and their research including methods for their study, · new methods for studying tuna fisheries interactions and examination of their applicability, · case studies on tuna fisheries interactions, · analyses of tuna fisheri es involved in interactions and their management, and · an overview of FAO’s project that co-organized and co-sponsored the Consultation. A supplement of an indexed bibliography of papers on tuna and billfish tagging, which was printed separately, is also included. The objectives of the Consultation were to: · review and integrate the outcome of the studies on tuna fisheries interactions, · summarize the extent of tuna fisheries interactions and unresolved research problems, and · fo rmulate guidelines for research on tuna fisheries interactions. The understanding of tuna fisheries interactions was enhanced significantly by recent studies. However, the Consultation noted that the number of quantified interactions is still small due primarily to difficulties associated with evaluating such interactions. The papers providing supporting information for the conclusions of the Consultation are presented in this publication. Interactions were found to vary in significance depend ing on the biological characteristics of the species involved, the sizes of fish caught, the local and stock-wide rates of exploitation, and the distance among fisheries. In many of the studies presented, the inadequacy of fisheries data was stressed. In addition, the lack of understanding of movements of the fish being studied was noted in several papers. General qualitative guidelines presented in several discussion papers stressed that specifically-designed studies be undertaken to adequately quantify interactions. Well-designed tagging experiments were thought to provide the most reliable information about interactions. Guidelines for the collection of data, biological and ecosystem research, modelling, and alternative methodologies for studying tuna fisheries interactions are also included. -
Book (stand-alone)Report of the Expert Workshop on Means and Methods for Reducing Marine Mammal Mortality in Fishing and Aquaculture Operations, Rome, Italy, 20-23 March 2018 2018
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No results found.One of the greatest threats to species and population survival of marine mammals with their relatively slow growth and low fecundity comes from inadvertent interaction with, or capture in, fishing and aquaculture operations. FAO members have expressed great concern about bycatch of marine mammals at recent sessions of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI). At its Thirty-First Session in 2014 the Committee reiterated its support for FAO’s ongoing work on bycatch management and reduction of discards, and requested FAO to expand its efforts to effectively implement the International Guidelines on Bycatch Management and Reduction of Discards, addressing all fishing gears where bycatch, including, inter alia, that of marine mammals, and discards were a problem. At its Thirty-Second Session in 2016, the committee welcomed the offer of the United States of America to fund an expert workshop to review the findings of recent international marine mammal bycatch workshops. Within this context, FAO convened the Expert Workshop on Means and Methods for Reducing Marine Mammal Mortality in Fishing and Aquaculture Operations in Rome, Italy from 20 to 23 March 2018, which was attended by twenty-seven experts in marine mammal science and bycatch mitigation. The workshop reviewed the current state of knowledge on the issue of marine mammal bycatch, and evaluated the efficacy of different strategies and measures for mitigating bycatch and their implementation. The workshop produced some key technical outputs, including an extensive review of techniques across different gear types and species, together with a summary table and a draft decision-making tool (decision tree) which could be used to support management decision-making processes. The workshop recommended that FAO develop Technical Guidelines on means and methods for prevention and reduction of marine mammal bycatch and mortality in fishing and aquaculture operations in support of FAO’s Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and as a supplement to International Guidelines on Bycatch Management and Reduction of Discards. The workshop also recommended that FAO consider establishing a global capacity development programme to support developing States in the application of the proposed guidelines.
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