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Terminal evaluation of the project “Decision support for mainstreaming and scaling up of sustainable land management”

Project Code: GCP/GLO/337/GFF GEF ID: 4922

Management Response

Follow-up Report

​FAO. 2020. Terminal evaluation of the project “Decision support for mainstreaming and scaling up of sustainable land management”. Project Evaluation Series, 02/2020. Rome.

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    This report summarizes the main findings from the project implementation by applying DSF which integrates land degradation assessments, SLM implementation, SLM mainstreaming and scaling-out and knowledge management for informed decision-making at local, subnational and national levels. The results of the project as well as the Mainstreaming Strategy developed can serve as a guide for decision-makers in developing landscape interventions as well as programmes on natural resources management that will build the resilience of communities.
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    This project was funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Its objectives were to reverse the degradation of forest ecosystems, recover forest areas under degradation processes, mainly in the Imataca Forest Reserve, and promote the institutionalization of these activities in forest management at the national level. The project made a significant contribution in terms of generation and systematization of information; methodological developments to estimate carbon emissions, reservoirs and sequestration, and compilation of information for the National Integrated Forest Information System; strengthen institutional and community capacities, and promote the application of sustainable forest management practices under a co-management scheme. Important co-benefits were also generated, such as the creation of the Tukupu Community Social Property Company, which is the first Indigenous Peoples' forestry company established in the country, and the proposed Presidential Decree for the Creation of the National Forest Co-management System.
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    The project ‘Participatory assessment of land degradation and sustainable land management in grassland and pastoral systems’ was implemented from 2017 to 2021 in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, the Niger, and Uruguay. The project successfully developed and tested a participatory rangeland and grassland assessment methodology (PRAGA); providing a practical tool for collecting data and information on rangeland and grassland health, thereby contributing to enable informed decision-making for sustainable rangeland and grassland management – thus aligning with UNCCD and SDG 15 (Life on Land). The evaluation provides five recommendations: i) develop strategies for facilitating the use by national stakeholders of remote sensing and GIS; ii) strengthen the gender dimension; iii) refine and promote PRAGA as a tool for monitoring of national CBD and UNFCCC commitments; iv) integrate more PRAGA assessments in interventions that invest in tangible rangeland management improvements; and v) establish an institutional home in FAO for rangeland and grassland management.

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