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Wood Fuel Surveys

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Northeastern Nigeria | Assessing FAO’s fuel-efficient stove intervention
    A post-distribution assessment to enhance Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) - Improving Safe Access to Fuel and Energy in northeastern Nigeria
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    Armed conflict in northeastern Nigeria – Adamawa, Borno and Yobe States – has driven millions from their homes and uprooted agriculture‑based livelihoods. In worst affected Borno, poor energy access has exposed vulnerable people to a number of challenges linked to food insecurity and malnutrition, deforestation, protection risks and health risks. When using inefficient energy technologies, such as open fires, the demand for these energy resources is high. In response, FAO is implementing Safe Access to Feul and Energy, following a three-way programmatic approach, namely: (i) reducing energy demand by promoting fuel-efficient technologies; (ii) increasing energy supply through sustainable forestry management practices; and (iii) promoting safe and sustainable livelihoods. With the support of Norway and in partnership with the International Centre for Energy, Environment and Development, FAO provided 5 000 people (IDPs, returnees and host community members) with locally produced cooking stoves in Maiduguri, Jere and Konduga local government areas of Borno. To evaluate the impact of the stove distribution (December 2018), FAO undertook a household survey. Key findings included improved access to energy, high adoption of the stoves, and reduced (i) fuel use and costs, (ii) risk of physical harm to women and girls and (iii) health risks.
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    In this publication, FAO presents an important aspect in the use of wood-based fuels. Fuelwood is well known as a domestic fuel for cooking and heating in both rural and urban areas. However, from several studies carried out in Africa, Asia and Latin America, it has been realized that as well as being used for domestic purposes, fuelwood is also an important fuel in many rural processing industries and village applications.
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    Wood gas as engine fuel 1986
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