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Poultry sector country review - Republic of Yemen

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Poultry sector country review - Egypt 2006
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    This review is intended as a resource document for those seeking information on the poultry sector at national level. It is not exhaustive. Some topics are only partially covered or not covered at all and the document will be supplemented and updated on an ongoing basis. Contributions and feedback are welcome by the author(s), FAO/AGAP and FAO/ECTAD Socio- Economics, Production & Biodiversity Unit.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Evidence-based risk management along the livestock production and market chain: Viet Nam 2019
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    Policy change requires support from all levels of stakeholders, starting from the grassroots level to the decision-making authorities. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (FAO-ECTAD) are supporting the Department of Livestock Production (DLP) of Viet Nam to improve risk management along the market chain by closely collaborating with all levels of stakeholders. The project is supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Bac Giang is one of the provinces with the highest poultry population in Viet Nam. However, the biosecurity conditions of hatchery and poultry households are still very poor, contributing to low production efficiency and increasing risk of animal and zoonotic diseases. Although the legislations of Viet Nam regarding auditing on veterinary hygiene conditions are available, they are not suitable for the small-scale production, which is widely popular in Viet Nam. In this context, DLP in collaboration with FAO is implementing the project “Evidence-Based Risk Management along the Livestock Production and Market Chain” in Bac Giang to improve farmers’ and local authorities’ capacity on good husbandry and biosecurity practices and to support registration, auditing and certification system of hatcheries.
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    Zoonotic Disease Risks and Socioeconomic Structure of Industrial Poultry Production: Review of the US Experience with Contract Growing
    Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative: A Living from Livestock
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    The US model of food animal production, characterized by its industrial scale and organization, is currently expanding globally and supplanting traditional methods and organization of animal husbandry. These changes have multiple impacts, which include implications for control of zoonotic disease risks for both animal and human populations. The industrialization of poultry production into confined operations is viewed by some policy-makers as a way to reduce human health risks at this critical animal:human interface. Yet recent outbreaks of HPAI (highly pathogenic avian influenza) in poultry in the UK, the Netherlands, Canada and China, as well as little-publicized outbreaks of LPAI (low pathogenic avian influenza) the United States (US) in 2007 and 2008, provide evidence that these risks are not prevented by standard biosecurity and biocontainment practices. Large poultry operations, while confined, are not inherently bio-secure or bio-contained. Furthermore, the lack of adequate management of animal wastes and the transport of these and other byproduct materials over long distances may provide a major route of pathogen release and transfer.

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