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Forest - poverty linkages in West and Central Asia: The outlook from a sustainable livelihoods perspective

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    Forest - poverty linkages in West and Central Asia
    The outlook from a sustainable livelihoods
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    This paper presents the application of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) to forest-poverty linkages and the analysis of the main issues that are raised for the Forestry Outlook study. The LSP Sub-programme on access to natural resources initially intended to begin its work in support of the FOWECA project with a regional desk study. However, with Forest - poverty linkages in West and Central Asia 2 sparse literature available, a decision was made to focus the initial work on Kyrgyzstan given the experience of the Collaborative Forest Management (LSP Working Paper 13). That platform provided an understanding on which to base fieldwork to examine the linkages between poverty and access to forestry resources. Chapter 2 of this paper describes the SLA and outlines a conceptual framework for the analysis of forest-poverty linkages using the SLA. Chapter 3 considers the current situation regarding forest-poverty linkages in the country studies using the SLA as a conceptual framewor k. Chapter 4 considers key trends affecting forest-poverty linkages and the consequences for policy-making with regard to FOWECA objectives. Chapter 5 concludes with the lessons learnt from using the SLA and an assessment of the effectiveness of the SLA for understanding forest-poverty linkages.
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    Assessing the access to forest resources for improving livelihoods in West and Central Asia countries 2006
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    The contribution of natural resources to the livelihood strategies of poor people has long been appreciated as significant. How to ensure that poor people have rights and opportunities to access natural resources, as well as responsibilities for the sustainable management of natural resources, has become a central question in debates over poverty alleviation. The overarching development issue at the macro-level is: what contribution can natural resources make to poverty alleviation given an incr easingly complex reality of globalization, urbanization, rural diversification, technological innovation and livelihoods marked by insecurity and vulnerability to change.

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