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Promoting gender-responsive adaptation in the agriculture sectors: Entry points within National Adaptation Plans

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    Operationalizing a Gender-Responsive Uganda National Adaptation Plan for the Agriculture Sector (NAP-Ag) - TCP/UGA/3802 2024
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    In addition to ensuring food and nutrition security, agriculture is central to Uganda’s economic growth and poverty reduction strategies. The agriculture sector accounts for over 24 percent of gross domestic product and provides employment to over 68 per cent of the total labour force, about 75 per cent of whom are women and 70 per cent youth, most of whom reside in rural areas. However, the country is faced by the challenges of climate change. A rise in average temperature and unreliable rainfall patterns have had significant impact on agricultural production and productivity, undermining efforts for development and food and nutrition security in the country. Erratic weather patterns drive the rural population to resort to coping mechanisms that degrade the environment. With Uganda’s population, currently estimated at about 44 million and growing at 3.2 percent annually, providing sufficient food and a surplus for income generation, in the light of climate change, is a significant challenge. In response, MAAIF has worked closely with development partners to mainstream climate change adaptation strategies into the agriculture sector. However, most interventions were scattered and there was no comprehensive strategic response to climate change challenges. For this reason, MAAIF, in collaboration with FAO, developed the National Adaptation Plan for the Agriculture Sector (NAP-Ag), launched in November 2018.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors
    Guide for trainers
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    This Guide for Trainers, based on workshops in nine countries, provides a complete set of materials for use in training sessions on mainstreaming gender in adaptation planning in the agriculture sectors. It is designed for a trainer or team responsible for delivering a training workshop for stakeholders who are involved in adaptation planning and related budgeting processes in agriculture. The guide presents a mix of interactive activities and presentations, to be used in whole or in part, to improve the individual-level skills and behaviours needed to foster gender-responsive agriculture adaptation plans within a broader capacity development process. The emphasis is on adaptation in agriculture, however the materials can be applied to planning for climate change adaptation in other sectors. In addition to this Guide for trainers, there are companion PowerPoint templates that workshop organizers can tailor to their specific context.
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    Policy brief
    Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in the livestock sector 2022
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    About 600 million of the world’s poorest households keep livestock as an essential source of income and food production to manage risk, store wealth and build up assets. However, women face several constraints to ownership and decision-making power in the sector. Scaling up culturally acceptable and locally available solutions requires government intervention through intentional policies that can empower women. Further, more funds should be allocated to replicate successful gender-responsive and transformative projects and identify entry points to mainstream gender considerations into livestock policies. This brief showcases promising research and innovation, particularly from countries engaged through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) 149 project. India and Botswana are highlighted as examples to inform policymakers and guide gender-responsive, climate-smart investments and policies in countries’ livestock sectors. This brief is part of a series. Other briefs on climate-smart agriculture, agrifood value chains, and aquaculture and fisheries are available.

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