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Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors

Guide for trainers

​Nelson, S. & Hill, C. 2019. Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors: Guide for trainers. Rome, FAO and UNDP.

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    Training module - How to integrate gender issues in climate-smart agriculture projects 2017
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    The purpose of the training module is to provide learners with a better understanding of what the gender roles in CSA are and their critical impact on project outcomes and sustainability. The training will teach them about different methods and tools to identify, formulate, implement, monitor and evaluate gender-responsive actions and practices in CSA development projects. Through the training, learners will become familiar with the main concepts of gender, climate change and climate-smart agr iculture. They will also understand the relevance of gender dimensions in climate change adaptation and mitigation and in developing gender-responsive CSA interventions. Furthermore, they will learn the steps to take and tools and approaches available for conducting gender analysis and promoting gender mainstreaming in CSA project design, implementation and monitoring. The manual also presents available gender, climate change and CSA guidelines and other relevant materials to support learners in their work in implementing gender-responsive interventions. This training module provides basic information for organizing a short training workshop to develop gender mainstreaming capacities in CSA-related projects, throughout the whole project cycle. The module mainly focuses on activities in the field. It is important to recognize, however, that gender-responsive CSA development also requires actions at the institutional and policy level as well as changes in the existing social and cultura l norms. The module also provides some recommendations for better integration of gender issues in governments’ CSA policies and strategies.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Toolkit for value chain analysis and market development integrating climate resilience and gender responsiveness
    Integrating agriculture in National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag) Programme
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    This toolkit aims to help countries in selecting and analysing value chains for opportunities to improve climate change resilience and reduce gender inequalities. It intends to provide policy makers, planners, project developers, technical advisors and implementers at local, regional or national level with good practices of climate-resilient and gender-responsive value chain development. It aims to act as a repository of relevant tools and methodologies for identifying relevant stakeholders and engaging with them to collect data and analyse it to design interventions. Climate change threatens agricultural value chains, and having a gender-responsive value chain approach is useful in analysing the climate risks, as it looks at stages during and beyond production, while using a more systemic approach to risk management.
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    Book (series)
    Practical Guide for Improving Gender Equality in Territorial Issues (IGETI)
    Land and Water Division Working Paper no. 18
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    The Guide promotes adapting a convergent and people-centred gender approach towards increasing and improving the provision of goods and services from agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a sustainable manner while reducing rural poverty in different priority areas of FAO’s work. This includes gender equality, territorial development, legal aspects and natural resources management (i.e. pastoralist, forestry, watershed management, climate change and fisheries). The approach of “putting people first” entails accepting their diversity of interests, values and positions, and understanding who they are and the reason for their actions. The objective is to find an entry point to promote this approach based on dialogue and negotiations in order to reach a shared vision for a given territory. The IGETI guide is divided into two parts: Part A provides an introduction to the proposed approach for improving gender equality in territorial issues, with specific guidance for each phase of the gender-response planning process; while Part B presents some available participatory tools to support planning of gender-responsive territorial development. Annex I provides a list of useful concepts and definitions, while Annex II presents some lessons learned in the field.

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