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Dimitra Newsletter, Gender, Rural Women and Development - Issue 26, January 2015

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    Dimitra Newsletter April 2019 – Issue #30
    Special Edition, Dimitra Clubs in Action
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    The number of Dimitra Clubs in sub-Saharan Africa has reached 3 000, marking a milestone. This gender-transformative approach aimed at rural people’s empowerment through community mobilization has proved increasingly successful. Through this flexible approach developed by FAO, the rural communities themselves, through their decisions and actions, determine the changes that need to be made to their environment, and how to improve their livelihoods. The Dimitra Clubs’ areas of impact are many and varied. Several themes shape this special edition of the newsletter: community mobilization, gender and women’s leadership, food security and nutrition, social cohesion and peace, adaptation to climate change, rural organizations, information and knowledge, and last but not least, the future: youth.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Dimitra Clubs – Enhancing the resilience of rural men and women through community mobilization 2017
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    Strengthening the resilience of rural households, communities and institutions is essential to eradicate hunger and malnutrition. In resilience work, the social dimension should be systematically included to prevent and mitigate the effects of shocks and crises in the life of men and women of rural communities. This dimension relates to gender equality, participation, social cohesion, communication, access to information, etc. To this end, FAO has developed and implemented a community-driven ap proach, named Dimitra Clubs, to empower rural people. The approach has been recognized as an FAO good practice for gender equality. The Dimitra Clubs are groups of women, men and young people who decide to organize themselves so as to work together to bring about changes in their communities. They meet regularly to discuss the challenges they face in their daily lives, make decisions and take collective action to resolve their problems. In this process, rural radio stations are used as a relay to increase the communication flow, provide access to knowledge and raise awareness on themes that have been identified and requested by the clubs themselves (food security and nutrition, access to water, land, sanitation, health, gender roles and relations, climate change adaptation in agriculture, conflict resolution, etc.). This webinar gave an overview of the implementation of the Dimitra Clubs approach, highlighted its results and impact on the resilience of rural men and women’s livelih oods, and discussed with the audience on its replicability and potential for upscaling.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Dimitra Newsletter no 14, 2008. Rural Women and Development.
    Rural radios and participatory communication
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    Among the experiences shared in this newsletter, we would like to focus on Dimitra and its partners’ work in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the field of rural radio and participatory communication. A rural radio and listeners’ club project, conducted in South Kivu province with SAMWAKI and GTZ-Santé, is getting well underway and is triggering a lot of interest. In particular the sharing of solar radios between women members of the listeners’ clubs and their families and the development of information messages in cooperation with the rural population itself, are proving their worth in boosting the role of rural women and men as actors in their own development.

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