Morales Q., V.V.; Morales R., R. Síntesis regional del desarrollo de la acuicultura. 1. América Latina y el Caribe ¿ 2005/Regional review on aquaculture development. 1. Latin America and the Caribbean ¿ 2005. FAO Circular de Pesca/FAO Fisheries Circular. No. 1017/1. Roma/Rome, FAO. 2006. 177 pp.
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Book (series)Regional Review of Status and Trends in Aquaculture Development in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2010 / Revisión Regional sobre la Situación y Tendencias en el Desarrollo de la Acuicultura en América Latina y el Caribe - 2010. 2011
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No results found.Aquaculture in Latin America and the Caribbean is growing at double (18.5 percent) the world average growth rate (8.2 percent) in the last 30 years. Three countries – Chile, Brazil and Ecuador – account for 74.5 percent of the volume and 77.9 percent of the value farmed in the last triennium. Regional aquaculture production has a high degree of concentration, but it has shown a slow diversification process. However, in the past 30 years, the contribution of aquaculture has risen from 0.1 to 9.6 percent of the regional fishery output in part because the stagnant capture fisheries. Improvements are required to increase access and performance of small-scale farmers, particularly in technical matters, farm management, market and marketing, financial aspects and logistics. Additionally, new technical assistance schemes, replacing old paternalistic practices, must be devised allowing small-scale farmers to improve production on a sustainable manner. Local natural conditions, good governa nce, political will and better science applied to production will permit substantial aquaculture progress in Latin America and the Caribbean, increasing its role in world fish farming and becoming an important source of livelihood and progress throughout the region. -
Book (series)Informe del Taller sobre Factibilidad de Establecimiento de una Red de Cooperación en Acuicultura en América Latina y el Caribe, Panamá, República de Panamá, 6-8 de diciembre de 2004/ Report of the Workshop on the Feasibility of Establishing a Regional Cooperation Network for Aquaculture in Latin America and the Caribbean, Panama, Republic of Panama, 6-8 December 2004 2005
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No results found.The workshop examined the status of aquaculture in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a focus on its contribution to economic and social development and the major difficulties it faces. It also looked at previous occurrences of cooperation for aquaculture in the region with the presentation and analysis of a summary of past activities and mechanisms. The central issue placed before the workshop was the proposal to establish a new regional cooperation network for aquaculture, based o n a study carried out by FAO and additional information on similar activities conducted by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (APEC) Fisheries Working Group and the Latin American Organization for Fisheries Development (OLDEPESCA). The workshop recommended the establishment of an intergovernmental cooperation network for aquaculture that would be open to all the countries of the Americas and would establish linkages with equivalent mechanisms in other regions. It identifie d key issues for the network’s attention, together with its possible structure and sources and modalities of financing. The agenda and list of participants are given in Appendixes A and B respectively. Appendixes C and D contain background documents prepared to facilitate discussion.
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