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Sustainable Land Management in Practice

Guidelines and Best Practices for Sub-Saharan Africa

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    La pratique de la gestion durable des terres
    Directives et bonnes pratiques pour l'Afrique subsaharienne
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    La rédaction de directives pour des technologies et approches de gestion durable des terres en Afrique subsaharienne (ASS) fait partie du programme TerrAfrica de 2009-2010. L’objectif de ces recommandations et études de cas est de contribuer à créer un cadre pour les investissements liés aux pratiques de gestion durable des terres (GDT). Le but est, en particulier, d’identifier, d’analyser, de discuter et de diffuser des pratiques de gdT prometteuses – incluant à la fois les technologies et les approches – à la lumière des dernières tendances et nouvelles opportunités. L’étude cible surtout les pratiques qui produisent des résultats et un retour sur investissement rapides et / ou les autres facteurs qui incitent à l’adoption de ces pratiques. Ce document s’adresse aux parties-prenantes clés des programmes et projets de GDT aux stades de l’élaboration et de la mise en oeuvre : il s’agit surtout des praticiens, des gestionnaires, des décideurs, des planificateurs, en collaboration avec les institutions financières et techniques et les donateurs. Les directives sont divisées en deux parties principales. La 1ère partie met en lumière les grands principes de la GDT ainsi que les éléments importants à prendre en compte qui permettront de qualifier les technologies et approches de « bonnes pratiques » pour une transposition à grande échelle. La 2ème partie présente douze groupes de technologies de GDT ainsi qu’un module sur les approches de GDT. Celles-ci sont illustrées par d es études de cas spécifiques. Les principales personnes ressources et experts en GDT en ASS ont été sollicitées afin de finaliser les groupes de GDT et de décrire les études de cas spécifiques. Ce produit s’efforce d’être à la pointe de la recherche.
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    Land Policy Development in an African Context
    Lessons Learned from Selected Experiences
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    Land Tenure Working Paper 14: Growing land scarcity and concern about land-related conflicts and rising levels of rural impoverishment have brought land to the fore once more. The main difference with the recent past is the wide spectrum of actors who want to take part in the elaboration of the land policies, as well as the more and more recognized need to root the proposals in the particular context of each specific country. The paper, focused on African experiences, starts by discussing the importance of Land Policy Issues at Regional Level. It reviews the evolution in thinking regarding land policy ending up with the identification of the critical issues being faced by Africa today whilst remembering the role that FAO can play in promoting a sound partnership between governments and their citizens in the twenty-first century. The core of the document is represented by three different case studies (Sudan, Burkina-Faso and Mozambique) which serve to draw some lessons which can be applied for future interventions in similar contexts. In particular the diversity of policy objectives and the need to embed policy development in other processes are analyzed. The land question in post-conflict situations is also treated in detail as well as how to secure land rights in both customary and statutory regimes. Specific attention is given to the rights of women, which is becoming anincreasingly important issue in Africa and not only there, and specific lessons in land conflict ma nagement.
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    Near East and North Africa Land and Water Days
    Amman, Jordan, 15-18 December, 2013
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    For many centuries, the people of the Near East and North Africa (NENA) Region were able to cope, and even flourish, under conditions of water scarcity. However, with decades of relentless high rate of population growth, rapid urbanization, and uncharacteristically excessive consumption patterns, the region is now facing unprecedented levels of pressure on its natural resources. Adding the looming threat of climate change to these pressures, the achievement of effective management of land and wa ter that ensures efficient utilization of the resources and leads to sustainable food security, has become a necessity. Though the region has accumulated a wealth of knowledge on management systems that can support its pursue of sound and sustainable land and water productivity, unfortunately, many of the successful experiences are limited in scope and space, or not well documented or disseminated. This situation has resulted in a significant knowledge gap. The Near East and North Africa Land an d Water Days (NENA-LWD), which are in line with the 2013 UN-International year for water cooperation and are closely linked to FAO Initiative on Water Scarcity in the Near East (2013), had the aim of filling, the above mentioned, land and water management knowledge gap. These days, which took place from 15-18 December 2013 at Amman, Jordan, built on the FAO global Land and Water Days held in May 2012 in Rome in cooperation with IFAD and WFP. Twelve technical sessions that addressed critical issu es related to Land and Water management were conducted during the NENA LWD. The sessions, which had around fifty keynote speakers and high caliber Experts, were designed to allow for long and detailed discussions around carefully selected case studies from around the Region. The main aim is to identify the success and failure of the applied approaches, tools, or methods and discuss the potential of up-scaling the success stories. The output of these sessions will feed into the Regional Collabora tive Strategy. Numerous recommendations came out of these sessions; the following are some of the most frequent: pilot applications; full and comprehensive involvement of stakholders; harmonizing policies and creating synergies among various initiatives; need for Regional Strategy for the utilization of shared aquifers; importance of conflict resolution mechanism among stakeholders, establishment of incentive systems for adoption of research findings.

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