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Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetThe Syrian Arab Republic - Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan 2018-2019
FAO in the 2018 humanitarian appeals
2018Also available in:
No results found.Seven years into the conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic continues devastating lives and forcing millions to flee from their homes. While the intensity of the war may have subsided in 2017, the rate of displacement was higher than the rate of return. In 2018, an integrated humanitarian and resilience response to the situation facing refugees and host communities is essential. The conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic continues to drive the largest refugee crisis in the world. Therefore, strengthening agricultural livelihoods and the food security of refugees and host communities, and shifting towards resilience-building remain critical. -
MeetingImplementation of the Asia and Pacific’s Regional Initiative on Blue Growth for work planning 2018-2019. Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission Thirty-fifth session (APFIC)
Cebu, the Philippines, 11-13 May 2018
2018Also available in:
No results found.In order to contribute to the sustainable development goals, capture fisheries and aquaculture sectors have been assigned important tasks to support the food security and improved nutrition and eradication of poverty through realizing blue economic growth (Sustainable growth of economies derived from marine and inland water ecosystems and living aquatic resources) with responsible and efficient use of marine and inland water and associated natural resources and conservation of marine and inland water ecosystems and aquatic biodiversity. Given the global leading position of Asian fisheries in production and direct dependence on the sector, the Asia and Pacific Region will need to take a leading role in achieving the goal considering its current share in global fish production and trends of the sectoral development in the different regions.
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