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Russian banana market in 1994-1998

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    The Russian forestry sector in the global forest products market: trends, outlook and opportunities for development 2006
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    With an abundance of forest resources and considerable experience in forest processing, the Russian forestry sector has the potential for significant development in the future. This paper presents information about the current structure of the Russian forestry sector and recent forecasts of future production and consumption. This analysis shows that the sector is currently focused on roundwood and sawnwood production, with relatively little development of more processed and higher value-added pr oducts, such as wood based panels, pulp and paper. This suggests that development of the other factors of production should be given greater attention (i.e. labour and, in particular, capital). However, in order to encourage greater investment in the sector, it will be necessary to strengthen policies and institutions, improve access to information about the sector and work towards reducing investment risk. This paper finishes by describing some of the ways that FAO might be able to provide assi stance to the Russian forestry sector.

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