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EFS Assessment for Egypt

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    Book (series)
    EGYPT, TURKEY AND UKRAINE Sustainable bioenergy options from crop and livestock residues 2017
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    The report covers the The Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Approach of FAO. BEFS helps countries design and implement sustainable bioenergy policies and strategies, by ensuring that bioenergy development fosters both food and energy security, and that it contributes to agricultural and rural development in a climate-smart way. It consists of tools and guidance to support countries through the main stages of the bioenergy policy development and implementation process. For instance, the BEFS Rap id Appraisal (RA) consists of a set of easily applicable methodologies and user-friendly tools which allow countries to get an initial indication of their sustainable bioenergy potential and of the associated opportunities, risks and trade-offs. The report details how the assessment was implemented in Egypt and Turkey, and the resulting outcomes and recommendations for the countries, as well as how the ground looks like for Ukraine.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Bioenergy and Food Security - The BEFS Analytical Framework 2010
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    A potent argument for bioenergy development lies in the ability of the sector to unlock agricultural potential by bringing in much needed investments to raise agricultural productivity to spur food security and poverty reduction. This document presents the BEFS Analytical Framework (AF) developed to test this argument. Agriculture lies at the heart of the BEFS AF and allows governments to consider viable pro-poor strategies for bioenergy development. The set of tools within the BEFS AF offers an integrated approach to decision-making that combines the technical viability with the country’s prevailing social and economic development objectives. This document explains the rationale and structure of the BEFS AF, provides a general overview of the tools and their application, and illustrates how the analytical information generated assists policy makers in making informed decisions concerning the many varied consequences of bioenergy developments on food security, pov erty reduction and agriculture development and economic growth.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Global goals, localized action. Celebrating 40 years in Egypt 2018
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    On the occasion of FAO Egypt's 40th Anniversary, this booklet is produced to highlight FAO's achievements and support to the Egyptian Government over the past 40 years. It will give a glimpse on how FAO started its work in Egypt and will also highlight the main projects that made a difference as well as shed light on the future country programming framework.

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