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Creating a global map base of Indigenous Peoples and local community places and people

XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    FAO's work with indigenous peoples in forestry 2019
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    FAO’s Forestry Department works with indigenous peoples to address the unique challenges they face, while assisting governments to develop appropriate forestry policies that take indigenous peoples’ land and resource rights, and views into account. This brochure provides an overview of FAO’s approach to engage with and support indigenous peoples in the context of forestry, providing examples from several teams in various thematic areas such as: - valuing indigenous knowledge of forests and food systems - collective tenure rights, supporting the role of indigenous peoples in climate change mitigation - facilitating sustainable forest management and improved livelihoods - promoting indigenous peoples’ rights to manage and conserve wildlife
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples. An opportunity for climate action in Latin America and the Caribbean 2021
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    The document summarizes the report that, based on a review of more than 250 studies, demonstrates the importance and urgency of climate action to protect the forests of the indigenous and tribal territories of Latin America as well as the indigenous and tribal peoples who protect them. These territories contain about a third of the continent's forests. That's 14% of the carbon stored in tropical forests around the world; These territories are also home to an enormous diversity of wild fauna and flora and play a key role in stabilizing the local and regional climate. Based on an analysis of the approaches that have proven effective in recent decades, a set of investments and policies is proposed for adoption by climate funders and government decision-makers in collaboration with indigenous and tribal peoples. These measures are grouped into five main categories: i) strengthening of collective territorial rights; ii) compensate indigenous and tribal communities for the environmental services they provide; iii) facilitate community forest management; iv) revitalize traditional cultures and knowledge; and v) strengthen territorial governance and indigenous and tribal organizations. Preliminary analysis suggests that these investments could significantly reduce expected carbon emissions at a low cost, in addition to offering many other environmental and social benefits.
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    Community-led place-based mangrove ecosystems conservation in West Mexico
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    Mangroves are biodiversity- and carbon-rich socio-ecological ecosystems that provide essential goods and services to millions of people. In particular, food, medicine, and wood, which is the primary source of energy and construction material for several Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) living in coastal areas. Mangrove loss and degradation occur at alarming rates putting at risk the traditional livelihoods of IPLCs. Community-led mangrove conservation could be a cost-effective solution to conserve mangrove forests, their ecosystem services, and biological diversity within and beyond protected areas. Although community-based mangrove conservation is a common practice, few successful case studies are known. In West Mexico, IPLCs have been conserving and managing mangrove ecosystems for decades to produce mangrove wood for both domestic and commercial purposes. Through participatory planning, zones have been designated for conservation, wood production, water bodies protection, and restoration. Historical mangrove cover change analysis for the periods 1970/1980, 2005 and 2010 revealed forest expansion within the community-led conserved area (UMA), including in wood production zones. West Mexico is a unique case study that could provide valuable mangrove conservation best practices and lessons learned to other communities around the world. This community-based conservation strategy may contribute to achieving national and international environmental and biodiversity targets by providing multiple socio-ecological and economic benefits from local to global scales if implemented with a rights-based conservation perspective that incorporates multidisciplinary and participatory scientific assessments and traditional knowledge. It could also enhance sustainable local traditional livelihoods and biocultural practices while reducing illegal logging and contributing to mitigating the effects of climate change and biodiversity loss through nature-based solutions. Keywords: Rights-based Conservation; Sustainable Livelihoods; Community-based Decision-making;Mangroves; Community-led Nature-based Solutions ID: 3487429

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