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Book (stand-alone)From Fome Zero to Zero Hunger
A global perspective
2019Also available in:
No results found.Hunger is on the rise again in the world after a decade of decline. Hunger not only cruelly affects the well-being of people, it also undermines national development prospects of any kind. It erodes human capital and productivity and exists in direct contradiction to the human right to adequate food. But hunger is a scourge that can be eradicated. This publication discusses the international Zero Hunger agenda in light of the achievements of the Fome Zero programme in Brazil. It revisits successful initiatives and discusses current actions, while also critically assessing new and growing challenges to the global food security agenda: obesity and climate change. -
Book (stand-alone)Towards Zero Hunger 1945–2030 2017This book showcases a unique collection of images documenting how FAO has played a leading role in combating hunger worldwide since 1945. It highlights the Organization’s ongoing efforts to help its Members achieve “zero hunger” in a changing world that is facing new and pressing challenges from migration and climate change. The foreword by the FAO Director-General and the introduction to zero hunger by the Director of the FAO Office for Corporate Communication provide the context for FAO’s work and a real-life example of how “zero hunger” can change people’s lives for the better. In addition, there are profiles of the five recently appointed FAO Special Goodwill Ambassadors for Zero Hunger. Next, the photos and their captions, with some accompanying text, illustrate FAO’s work and significant moments in its history. Thus, the reader can see the single frames in the context of the whole picture.
DocumentThe Brazilian Fome Zero Strategy: A Reference for Designing Food and Nutrition Security Policies 2009
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No results found.Zero Hunger’s strategy combines short ‐ term responses to emergency situations with medium ‐ and long ‐ term responses that help create the necessary conditions for families to guaranteeing their own food security. Additionally, it recognizes that the needs of people living in rural and urban areas differ and offers a specific set of interventions for each case. This is in line with the “twin ‐ track approach” recommended by FAO in the 1996 World Food Summit and endorsed by the Comprehensive Fr amework of Action of the UN’s Secretary General High ‐ Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis.
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