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Transforming agriculture and food systems through inclusion, resilience and low carbon action

Agenda and Concept Note

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    Voices from the field: participatory approaches of Climate smart agriculture practices, Farmer field schools and indigenous Chakra systems
    Concept Note and Agenda
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    Promoting community-based approaches is crucial to finding concrete, adapted and sustainable solutions to climate change in the agriculture sector because it enables integrating scientific insights into local knowledge systems, and empowering local actors to take the lead role in improving their production systems. Organized by FAO in collaboration with the Government of Senegal, the Government of Quebec, the Ministry of Ecological Transition of Italy, the Government of Zambia and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany, this event aims at highlighting the potential of community-based, bottom-up strategies in agriculture to implement and scale up climate change commitments. In particular, the event will showcase three approaches that leverage this potential: Farmer Field Schools (FFS), indigenous Chakra systems and Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA).
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    The potential of agroecology to build climate-resilient livelihoods and food systems 2020
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    This study highlights the links between agroecology and climate change, by providing evidence on the technical (i.e. ecological and socio-economic) and policy potential of agroecology to build resilient food systems. The report aims to answer the following question: - How can agroecology foster climate change adaptation, mitigation and resilience through practices and policies? Inspired by the idea that transformation will only happen through a coordinated approach among all levels, this study aims to combine evidence from a broad range of backgrounds and perspectives.

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