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Framework perspective on local participation in policy: Views through FAO experience

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    Scaling up community participation in forest management through REDD+ in Zambia 2019
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    This policy brief provides an overview of the potential for scaling up community participation in forest management in Zambia as part of the country's REDD+ investment strategy. The report gives some insight on the legal and policy context for community forest management, joint forest management, and private forest management. It also describes the land tenure context, gives examples of good practice in Zambia, and presents a series of investment options.
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    Book (series)
    Participatory Policy Reform from a Sustainable Livelihoods Perspective
    Review of concepts and practical experiences
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    Policies have considerable impact on people’s livelihoods. They influence the access people have to livelihoods assets and the strategic possibilities for employing these assets to reach favourable livelihoods outcomes. However, policies developed at central level are often not responsive to the policy needs at local level and, therefore, not conducive to local livelihood strategies. Local populations, especially poor and marginalized groups, have often a very weak or only indirect inf luence on the policy framework affecting their livelihoods. The development and application of tested strategies and institutional mechanisms to support the participation of the rural poor in policy making would facilitate the generation of policy frameworks to reduce poor people’s vulnerability and enable their access to the assets and services they require to pursue sustainable livelihoods. There are few documented experiences of participatory policy making (PPM) involving the ru ral poor, and still less analysis of those that have been documented. Nevertheless, it is possible to draw some initial lessons from these that would aid in the development of strategies and mechanisms to support the participation of poor people in policy making.
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    Participatory Land Delimitation
    An Innovative Development Model Based upon Securing Rights Acquired Through Customary and Other Forms of Occupation
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    Land Tenure Working Paper 13: Secure land rights are crucial if local populations are to engage actively as stakeholders in rural development. The task of identifying and protecting local rights in most African countries faces several major challenges like incorporating many different local land management systems within a single land management framework; devising a system that can adequately record dynamic and shifting patterns of land use that incorporate a range of de facto private, individu alised customary rights and areas of common use and, finally, coming up with a technical approach that is cost effective yet still accurate enough to establish borders and other features on official maps. In this context conventional western concepts of discrete, fixed land holding units – ‘the farm’ - are entirely inappropriate. They work for the relatively small number of private investor land holdings, but are of little use for registering customary rights rooted in shifting agriculture sy stems and the use of a wide range of resources through the year. The community delimitation model which is the subject of this volume has grown out of the experience of Mozambique and its widely acclaimed 1997 Land Law. The policy and legal development process has been supported by FAO from its inception in the pre-policy research stage, through to policy and legal development, and now implementation. It offers an excellent example of how to create the policy and legal environment within wh ich effective rights delimitation can take place.

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