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Advancing Agroforestry on the Policy Agenda. A guide for Decision-Makers

Agroforestry Working Paper, no. 1

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    Pathways for food systems transformations and recommendations for decision-makers in Solomon Islands 2022
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    Transformation of food systems to be healthier and more sustainable is needed to meet numerous development challenges, including achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Successful pathways for food system change will need to engage governments and other stakeholders at local, national, and regional levels, across multiple sectors. More effective cross-sectoral governance institutions will be critical to develop and implement coherent and complementary food systems policies. In Solomon Islands, the food system is influenced by processes and events happening within the country, as well as processes and events in the broader landscape that impact on the production, distribution and consumption of food, such as extreme weather events, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    State and outlook of agroforestry in ASEAN
    Status, trends and outlook 2030 and beyond
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    This report encapsulates the status of and outlook for agroforestry in the ASEAN countries and endeavours to help achieve the SDGs through more sustainable and productive agri-food systems. The status, trends and outlook in this report will support policy makers and practitioners to make appropriate decisions and advance local innovations with agroforestry, especially in the context of the United Nations Decades on Ecosystem Restoration and Family Farming. It will help address the much needed governance, institutional, finance and capacity constraints, especially for promoting smallholder-oriented agroforestry systems in rural areas. Also, the outlook will help enhance the agro-ecological dimensions in land use while yielding more sustainable and productive results combined with ecological and climate-smart outcomes, including those related to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Eventually, it will contribute to improving the food and nutritional security, livelihoods and wellbeing of marginalized people through sustainable delivery of various ecosystem services.
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    Promouvoir l'Agroforesterie dans les Politiques Publiques. Guide pour les Décideurs
    Document de travail sur l’agroforesterie, no. 1
    Les systèmes agroforestiers regroupent des techniques d’utilisation des terres à la fois traditionnelles et modernes où les arbres sont associés aux cultures et/ou aux systèmes d’élevage dans des milieux agricoles. Bien que ces avantages justifient l’augmentation des investissements dans l’élaboration de systèmes agroforestiers, le secteur est désavantagé par des politiques inadaptées, des contraintes juridiques et un manque de coordination entre les différentes institutions gouvernementales imp liquées. Afin de promouvoir l’agroforesterie dans les cadres de décision nationaux et renforcer ses retombées positives, le Département des forêts de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) – en collaboration avec le Centre mondial d’agroforesterie (ICRAF), le Centre agronomique tropical de recherche et d’enseignement (CATIE) et le Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD) – a préparé ce guide conçu pour aider les pays à créer les conditions susceptibles de maximiser la contribution de l’agroforesterie au développement national.

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