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Irrigation in the near east region in figures

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    Book (series)
    Irrigation in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union in figures 1997
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    FAO's AQUASTAT programme, initiated in 1993, aims to meet the demand for information on water resources and use at regional level, with particular emphasis on irrigation and drainage. The objectives of the programme are to collect and present, in a systematic way, data on rural water use at country level.With an area of more than 22 million km², the former Soviet Union (FSU) covers about 17% of the world and presents a wide range of climatic and physiographic situations, from the arctic zones of Siberia to the arid deserts of Central Asia.
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    Book (series)
    Irrigation in Southern and Eastern Asia in Figures
    AQUASTAT Survey- 2011
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    This AQUASTAT report presents the most recent information available on water resources and their use in the 22 countries in the Southern and Eastern Asia region. Clearly it has an emphasis on agricultural water use and management. But in addition it contains the relevant tables and maps, and a regional synopsis emphasizing the particular characteristics of this large and diverse region. It also analyses the changes that have occurred since the first survey in 1999. Finally it gives a more detail ed description of four transboundary river basins in the region, highlighting the different levels of cooperation and the agreements between countries located in the same river basin: the Ganges?Brahmaputra?Meghna basin, the Indus basin, the Mekong basin and the Salween basin.

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