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Report of the seventh session of the Committee on Aquaculture, Rome, 8–10March 2011, Rapport de la septième session du Comité de l’aquaculture, Rome, 8-10 mars 2011

FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean/Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée. Report of the seventh session of the Committee on Aquaculture. Rome, 8–10 March 2011. Rapport de la septième session du Comité de l’aquaculture. Rome, 8-10 mars 2011. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report/FAO Rapport sur les pêches et l’aquaculture. No. 972. Rome, FAO. 2011. 54p.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the Ninth Session of the Committee on Aquaculture. Marrakech, Morocco, 24-26 February 2015 / Rapport de la neuvième session du Comité de l'Aquaculture. Marrakech, Maroc, 24-26 février 2015 2015
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    The ninth session of the Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) was held in Marrakech, Morocco, from 24 to 26 February 2015. The session was attended by delegates from GFCM Members, observers from the International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central Europe (Eurofish), the Centre for Marketing Information & Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region (Infosamak) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), as well as representatives of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the GFCM Secretariat. The agenda also included a special session of the Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (SIPAM) which examined namely aspects related to online consultation of GFCM aquaculture data. During its ninth session, the Committee reviewed its intersessional activities and the outcomes of its subsidiary bodies and dis cussed important issues regarding its functioning and reorganization in light of the ongoing amendment of the GFCM legal and institutional framework, with a view to proposing a new reference framework to the next annual session of the GFCM. The Committee also endorsed the conclusions of the Regional Aquaculture Conference “Blue Growth in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea: developing sustainable aquaculture for food security” (Italy, December 2014), agreed upon actions towards the development o f national aquaculture platforms in order to support the GFCM Aquaculture Multi-stakeholder Platform (AMShP) and formulated advice on the following aspects: i) sustainable management of coastal lagoons, ii) use of regional indicators to monitor sustainable aquaculture development, iii) use of environmental monitoring programmes (EMP), iv) simplification of administrative procedures, v) capacity-building and training, vi) guidelines on aquaculture stock enhancement and vii) data reporting scheme for the transmission of information on aquaculture production centres. Finally, the Committee adopted its work programme for 2015–2016.
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    Book (series)
    GFCM - Report of the thirty-fifth session. FAO Headquarters, Rome, 9-14 May 2011 2012
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    The thirty-fifth session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), including the second session of the Committee on Administration and Finance (CAF) and the fifth session of the Compliance Committee (CoC), was attended by representatives from 22 Contracting Parties, two non-GFCM Member Countries and seven Observers. The Commission reviewed the intersessional activities of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and the Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) and, on the basis of the results obtained, adopted binding Recommendations on the exploitation of red coral, on reducing incidental bycatch of seabirds, on the bycatch of sea turtles and on the conservation of the Mediterranean monk seal, as well as Resolutions on data confidentiality policy and procedures and rules related to the submission of new proposals to the annual sessions of the Commission. It also endorsed five new Recommendations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) of relevance to the Mediterranean and amended Recommendations on the GFCM logbook and on reporting of aquaculture data and information. The Commission addressed issues arising from the results of the GFCM performance review and decided to establish a task force to review the recommendations made by the expert panel and to propose options to improve the functioning of the Commission. Furthermore, the Commission elected a new GFCM Executive Secretary, renewed it s bureau and endorsed the nominations of the new bureaus of the CAF, CoC and CAQ. It agreed to strengthen the Secretariat with new posts whilst freezing the post of Deputy Executive Secretary for 2012. The progress made with regards to the new headquarters of the Commission and the imminent move of the Secretariat to these premises was welcomed by all delegations. The Commission adopted its 2011 autonomous budget at a value of US $ 1 708 239 along with its programme of work for 2011, i ncluding the convening of 25 technical meetings, and agreed to establish an ad hoc Working Group on the Black Sea issues.
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    FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Report of the thirty-seventh session. Split, Croatia, 13–17 May 2013 2014
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    The thirty-seventh session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), including the fourth session of the Committee on Administration and Finance (CAF) and the seventh session of the Compliance Committee (CoC), was attended by representatives from 21 Contracting Parties, one non-GFCM Member country, and 11 observers. The Commission reviewed the intersessional activities of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and the Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) as well as the outcome s of the Task Force established to modernize the GFCM legal and institutional framework. Among the measures adopted this year by the Commission, a recommendation on a multiannual management plan and on transitional conservation measures for fisheries of small pelagic stocks in the Adriatic Sea has set actions aimed at minimizing the threat of overfishing and stock decline and encouraging the sustainable exploitation of these important target species while maintaining stable yields. In the Black Sea area, the Commission adopted a recommendation on the establishment of minimum standards for bottom-set gillnet fisheries for turbot and conservation of cetaceans, in order to guarantee the protection of juvenile turbots until they reach the reproductive size therefore contributing to the renewal of this population in the Black Sea. This measure also foresees standards for turbot fisheries aimed at reducing by-catch of cetaceans. In addition to these binding recommendations, the Commission ap proved two resolutions to promote the implementation of marine protected areas (including Fisheries Restricted Areas – FRAs) and to adopt guidelines on the management of fishing capacity according to resource availability in order to strengthen the control and monitoring of fishing effort and fishing capacity. Another outcome of the session was the adoption of guidelines on precautionary conservation measures aimed at minimizing undesirable effects on stocks and improving fisheries economic prof itability. In the field of aquaculture, taking into account the key role to be played by this sector towards food security and economic growth and recognizing the need to foster its sustainable development in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, the Commission agreed to establish the first multi-stakeholder platform involving all players in the sector. The Commission adopted its 2013 autonomous budget, amounting to US$1 940 973, along with its programme of work for the intersession, including un der the first GFCM Framework Programme for 2013–2018. The creation of five new working groups was agreed: three working groups on methodologies for socio-economic analysis, on small scale/artisanal fisheries and on recreational fisheries under the Subcommittee on Economic and Social Sciences (SCESS), one transversal working group on marine protected areas involving all subcommittees, and a working group for the revision of the GFCM Agreement. This year’s session was marked by substantial steps f orward to support the reform process launched in 2009 with the aim to modernize the institutional framework and ensure a more efficient functioning of the GFCM. The working group for the revision of the GFCM Agreement will be called to play a substantial role in this reform process, which should lead to enhanced sub-regional cooperation, the set-up of efficient mechanisms to ensure compliance to binding decisions, the establishment of a roadmap to fight illegal fishing, thus leading to improved long-term sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. An extraordinary session, to be held in 2014, will examine the outcomes of this reform process.

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