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MeetingGlobal Soil Partnership International Technical Workshop 'Managing Living Soils' Agenda
5-7 December 2012, Rome, Italy
2012Also available in:
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MeetingGlobal Soil Partnership International Technical Workshop 'Managing Living Soils' List of Participants
5-7 December 2012, Rome, Italy
2012Also available in:
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DocumentGlobal Soil Partnership. Regional Implementation Plan of the NENA Soil Partnership: towards sustainable management of soil resources 2015
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No results found.This work is the result of the efforts of many international and regional soil experts unified by the FAO Global Soil Partnership (GSP). Experts from Near East North Africa (NENA) region met in Amman Conference (1-3 June 2015) and, with the support of the FAO GSP Secretariat, analyzed the state of soil degradation and soil management in NENA region. They used the endorsed Plans of Actions (PoAs) of the FAO Five Pillars and formulated the Regional Implementation Plan of the NENA Soil Partnership (RSP) showing strong will to protect the soil resources in the region and globally. The report contains the Regional Implementation Plan (RIP) developed in close cooperation with the NENA Five Working Groups formed during the conference and the focal points of GSP from the NENA countries. It includes participatory regional implementation plan defining outcomes, activities, actors and partners, time frame and potential resources partners, partners and implementation risks.
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