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The opportunities for multistakeholder initiatives to support sustainability in the tropical fruit sector

Technical brief, no. 6

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    Building Sustainable Tropical Fruit Value Chains Globally - GCP/GLO/022/GER 2021
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    The tropical fruit sector is very important in many developing countries, as it provides incomes and jobs for hundreds of thousands of farmers and other workers, contributing to the enhancement of livelihoods and food security in these countries. In addition, tropical fruit exports generate substantial earnings for several developing countries, and their unit value is the highest among fruits and vegetables. Tropical fruits are also part of a healthy diet for millions of people. Despite its importance, the sector faces significant sustainability issues (environmental, economic and social), which have been compounded by the impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19) pandemic. This project was formulated to mitigate these issues by fostering the development of more sustainable and responsible tropical fruit value chains though multistakeholder engagement. The project will initially prioritize work with the private sector (companies, trade associations and producer organizations) due to its central role in these value chains. This includes facilitating collaboration between relevant actors and capacity development activities to strengthen producer organizations and other private sector actors so that they may participate actively in the development of these value chains.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Opportunities for the tropical fruit sector to meet European Union regulations on maximum residue levels and pesticide use
    Technical brief, no. 9
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    This technical brief explores the challenges and opportunities confronting the tropical fruit sector in meeting European Union (EU) regulations on maximum residue levels (MRLs) and pesticide use. The EU's Farm to Fork Strategy aims to cut chemical pesticide use by half by 2030. Within this context, producers targeting the EU market are confronted with the dilemma of reducing pesticide use while tackling climate change-induced pest challenges. The brief gives examples of practices that reduce the need of pesticide use including integrated pest management, organic fertilizers, precision agriculture, and cooperation across value chains. Adopting more sustainable production practices may be costly in the short and medium term but necessary in the long term. While compliance with new regulations will be needed for continued market access, the reduction in pesticide can also help increase competitiveness and consumer confidence of companies and resilience of the tropical fruit sector.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Adapting to climate change in the tropical fruit industry: a technical guide for avocado producers and exporters 2024
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    Climate change is impacting global food production systems, making the challenge of feeding the world’s growing population more difficult than ever before. The tropical fruit sector is particularly at risk from the negative impacts of climate change driven by rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and associated challenges such as water stress and increased pests and diseases. This poses significant risks for the long-term sustainability of production and trade of important tropical fruits including avocados. Recognizing these challenges, the Responsible Fruits Project has developed this technical guide on climate change adaptation for the avocado export industry. The guide is for producers and exporters of avocado who are interested in learning more about climate change in the context of their own business systems. It was developed through a consultative process with avocado companies and producer organizations participating in the Responsible Fruits Project. The purpose of this technical guide is to:• Provide up-to-date information on recent and predicted climate change effects and trends in key avocado producing and exporting countries. • Identify climate change risks and impacts on the production and trade of avocado.• Identify adaptation practices and recommendations that may help to address these risks, minimize negative impacts and build resilience.• Share good practices adopted by companies to address specific climate-related production risks in a sustainable manner.• Identify gaps in information, research and technical solutions needed to strengthen the availability and adoption of adaptation practices.

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