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Poultry Genetic Resources and Small Poultry Production Systems in Uganda

AHBL - Promoting strategies for prevention and control of HPAI

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    Production systems and poultry genetic resources utilized by small producers in areas of West Java and Central Java, Indonesia
    GCP/RAS/228/GER Working Paper No.11
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    Working papers of the project GCP/RAS/228/GER analyse the knowledge and conditions of smallholder poultry production, poultry genetic resources and poultry health in five Southeast Asian countries and the importance of this production system for urban consumers.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    A review of the current poultry disease control strategies in smallholder poultry production systems and local poultry populations in Uganda
    AHBL - Promoting strategies for prevention and control of HPAI
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    Reports of the project GCP/INT/010/GER summarize the findings from an integrated approach to prevent and control Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the smallholder environment of Cambodia, Egypt and Uganda by considering the components of animal health (AH), poultry breeds (B) and livelihoods (L).
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    Book (stand-alone)
    GARDENS of BIODIVERSITY - Conservation of genetic resources and their use in traditional food production systems by small farmers of the Southern Caucasus 2011
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    This book describes how farmers and rural people in the southern caucasus maintain biodiversity and apply the ecosystem approach in their daily lives and agricultural practices. These practices contribute to their food security and livelihoods while also maintaining local genetic resources. This book does not claim to offer a definitive prescription for sustainable agriculture and is not an exhaustive study. It puts forth a collection of concrete examples showing how genetic resources are main tained and used by small farmers for food security in the Southern Caucasus. These examples show that the livelihoods and prospects of rural people can be improved and consolidated in a sustainable manner to face important environmental, social and economic challenges without sacrificing the prosperity of future generations. The book would like to stimulate further debate, research and policies in the hope that bridges can be built between the sustainable use of biodiversity and genetic resource s, traditional practices and ways of life, and the new technologies, demands and challenges of today’s society.

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