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ProjectEnabling participation in the fishery statistics and information system in the Mediterranean (TCP/INT/2904)
The structure and the management of the MedStat Reference System Regional-National
2004Also available in:
No results found.MedStat has been built around a series of considerations and experiences not only of scientific nature. Considerations on national working habits and the organizational structure within a Fishery Department as well as its assigned mandate have strongly influenced the design of the MedStat System. Being, by definition an “Adaptive approach” each case was considered as unique with its needs, requirements, resources allocated, working environment, peculiarities, etc. -
ProjectEnabling participation in the fishery statistics and information system in the Mediterranean (TCP/INT/2904)
Report of the first coordination meeting. Beirut, Lebanon 19-24 January 2004
2004Also available in:
No results found.Countries of the Eastern Mediterranean (Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey) are participating in this project. The project aims to prepare participating countries to set-up and harmonize their fishery statistics systems and participate in full in the activities of the MedFIsis project. The General Fishery Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), at its Twenty-sixth Session (Ischia, September 2001), endorsed a project proposal to develop a Mediterranean Fishery Statistics and Info rmation System (MedFIsis), as presented by the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Sub-Committee on Statistics and Information (SCSI). The three year project MedFIsis is jointly financed by FAO and the European Union. Such a regional system is recognized to be necessary to complement other fisheries management means and serve as the basic vital tool for international bodies to monitor the state of the Mediterranean fisheries and the well-being of the whole ecosystem in the basin. -
ProjectEnabling participation in the fishery statistics and information system in the Mediterranean (TCP/INT/2904)
Working strategy of the MedFisis-TCP Component
2004Also available in:
No results found.This document reports on the first coordination meeting of the TCP project Enabling participation in the fishery statistics and information system in the Mediterranean (TCP/INT/2904). The meeting was held to establish a working strategy and planning for the project. Countries of the Eastern Mediterranean (Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey) are participating in this project. The project aims to prepare participating countries to set-up and harmonize their fishery statistics syste ms and participate in full in the activities of the MedFIsis project. The General Fishery Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), at its Twenty-sixth Session (Ischia, September 2001), endorsed a project proposal to develop a Mediterranean Fishery Statistics and Information System (MedFIsis), as presented by the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Sub-Committee on Statistics and Information (SCSI). The three year project MedFIsis is jointly financed by FAO and the European Union. Such a regional system is recognized to be necessary to complement other fisheries management means and serve as the basic vital tool for international bodies to monitor the state of the Mediterranean fisheries and the well-being of the whole ecosystem in the basin.
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