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Dairy Development's Impact on Poverty Reduction

Research Summary

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Dairy developments' impact on poverty reduction 2018
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    In 2015 the 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to end poverty (SDG1) and hunger (SDG2) while restoring and sustainably managing natural resources. Given the importance of livestock in poor people’s livelihoods, livestock sector development, and particularly the development of the dairy sector, is regarded as a promising avenue for supporting the achievement of SDG1. To underpin the case for dairy development as an avenue for poverty reduction, this study assessed the evidence for a causal relationship between dairy development and poverty reduction / improved household welfare. This study found that dairy cow ownership and/or improvement of dairy cow production consistently had a substantial positive and nearly always statistically significant impact on a wide range of indicators. The research sampled in this study was consistent in it’s agreement that engagement in dairying was the cause rather than the result of higher household welfare.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Impacts of the Child Grant Programme and Sustainable Poverty Reduction though Income, Nutrition and Government Service Support in Lesotho
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    This impact evaluation adopts a mixed-method approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods to the analysis of the impact of CGP and SPRINGS. Qualitative and quantitative methods have complementary roles. The quantitative method allows to quantify the size of the impacts on a large set of outcomes. The qualitative method allows to capture contextual and subjective meanings of social and economic phenomena. It complements quantitative research by broadening the understanding of impacts on different actors and capturing the types and complexity of processes leading to decisions and impacts. We investigated the impact of the programmes on three key areas of inquiry, following the main goals of the programmes, namely increase in income and economic security through productive activities and market engagement; financial inclusion and greater willingness to take risk; improvement of dietary practices and nutrition for adults and children.
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    Support to Income Creation in Mongolia (Secim): Improving Local Dairy Processing Through Promoting Women - TCP/MON/3606 2020
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    Approximately 160 000 herder households in Mongoliaprocess milk from horse, cow, yak, camel and goats inisolated homesteads when nomadic camps are set up.These milk products are largely used at the household andlocal level. However, improving the quality and safety ofdairy products, as well as increasing their production,offers economic opportunities, particularly for womenfrom these rural communities. Notably, in many soums(districts), unemployment is high for women whoaccompany their children to school/education centres.Women are typically responsible for the preservation ofdairy products – they prepare a range of traditionalproducts, including yogurt, dried curds, fresh cheese andwhey, sour cream, cream, butter and fermented milk. Thelimited training available to these women and the generallack of innovation in dairy processing, however, meansthat these products are not up to date in terms of meetingfood standards, packaging and marketability. Additionally,the equipment, work space and storage methods used fordairy processing are suitable only for domesticconsumption. Hence, there is a requirement for improvingthe production and marketability of traditional dairyproducts. This can be achieved through the use of betterpractices in milk processing, dairy production andmarketing, as well as the introduction of higher qualityequipment and tools.

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